
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Handshakers

Category: Moon base | Riyadh |  Saudi Arabia |  2 |  13 years old, 12 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

The Base Camp contains six main domes made of iron from the moon, each inside a hortensius giving more area without gathering more materials, this also keeps everything more organized. Each dome has a different purpose- the food dome, working dome, transportation dome, exiting dome, water dome and the sleeping  dome. There are  tunnels leading to and from each dome to the sleeping dome. Water will be supplied by urine, once it arrives it travels to the black dome (water dome) where it will be filtered and cleaned, making its way back to the storage dome. Plants will be present around each dome, the soil will be set down with cloth tied to the surface and the plants will be held down with ropes. These plants will provide oxygen ;however, in case of emergencies oxygen tanks are placed around each dome. There will be greenhouses where food will be produced.

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