
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Team team

Category: Moon base | Las Palmas de Gran Canaria |  Spain |  6 |  12 years old, 13 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Our project is a Moon base camp, which is actually pretty big. First we have a rover garage to keep the robots safe from meteorites. Next to that building there is an ice extractor, thanks to that device the astronauts can have clean water. There is a underground laboratory for all the experiments .There is a tunnel connecting the laboratory with the gym and the extractor. Up on the surface there is a greenhouse, near that there is the actual astronauts quarter where the astronauts sleep. This base can support up to 7 astronauts. All the Moon camp is powered by solar energy so it’s environmentally friendly.

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