
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Lorenzo Zacarelli

Category: Moon base | Bergen |  Netherlands |  1 |  12 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

When I first heard of the project, I instantly knew I wanted to do a moon camp of sorts, so I spent a lot of time on my computer and created this. This is moon-camp T-87 and as the name suggests it’s the 87th camp built, however it’s the best moon camp there is. It has: a rocket to bring supplies, waste storage, two bedrooms, a science lab, a green house and the place surrounded by the bubble is filled with oxygen and so they go outside to play and talk or ride with the rover. 

P.S If you click on one of the domes and press ctrl + h you will see what’s inside 

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