
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Team ChronoBlast

Category: Moon base | Kuwait City |  Kuwait |  1 |  12 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Size: 40,000 square feet.

Height: 25 ft tall 

Description: The Mobile Moon Camp is an innovation of modern technology. It has three domes, the first being the smallest. It has an entrance and a chamber to filter the vacuum of space to oxygen, and that is where the barracks is, with living quarters, a cafe and a storage facility. The second dome is larger and holds the gym, since this is a military base, recruits always need to work out. The building itself is made from a titanium alloy and cobblestone. The third dome is the largest and is the greenhouse, which supplies most of the food. It has many different types of plants, such as wheat, barley, mango, apple, grapes, and cyfers. The whole base is powered by nuclear energy, and solar panels, but also uses solar wind to capture electromagnetic power for the camp. The oxygen comes from oceanic plankton that is stored under each dome in large tanks. There are up to 12 million plankton in the tanks, providing around 240,000,000 breaths of air. The base is mobile and has around 30 wheels to move the base just in case of a moonquake or asteroid impact.

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