
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Joost & Yunus

Category: Moon base | Cologne |  Germany |  2 |  13 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

The main building of the Moon Base is the two-storey building. Here the astronauts can eat, drink, sleep, evaluate their research, do research (grow plants) and spend their free time. The building is designed for 5 astronauts. To the left, a moon buggy and a moon rover can be parked. On the roof of the one-storey park building are two satellite dishes to transmit research results to Earth and to have contact with Earth. Slightly off to the side is a rocket landing pad. The energy supply is provided by an underground energy production facility (not included in the 3D model).

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