
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Pinewood_Canis Major Dwarf

Category: Moon base | Thermi |  Greece |  4 |  8 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Our moon camp has double layer doors so if the air is gonna go in one door will open and after close but the other one is going to open. Our greenhouse has a thermometer to see how cold or hot the greenhouse is. If it’s too cold we are going to put something on top. The greenhouse will be next to the house so if the house runs out of air you can go to the green house and get air. The energy will be  closer to the sun so it can get  energy. The battery will have something covering it. So it does not overheat. We are gonna get water from a drill because the drill will dig in the moon and the moon has water in it  and they have to put it in a water tank. We get food from the green house and the food gets reused from the seeds.

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