
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Totoroko

Category: Moon base | Granada |  Spain |  1 |  14 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Totoroko its a Lunar Base created for living on the moon with all the conforts u will want. First, we have a mini solar park to obtain energy. The Base its divided in 5domes and a platform for the spaceship. The 5 domes are:
1. The entry, in it there ar a zone to left the astronauts suits and a desinfection zone for being clean, there arent showers because its difficult to grab water to there.
2. The common room, inside it there is some expending machines to get special food, a microwave and a seats to eat there or pass the time talking with your mates.
3. The bathroom, inside the dome there is some toilets and lockers.
4. The bedroom, its have bunk beds to all the astronauts.
5. The yard, if u want to feel being on earth u can go there to relax ur self.

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