
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Ay Mimarları

Category: Moon base | Ankara |  Turkey |  5 |  10 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

In this study, we designed a base on the lunar surface. We designed a living space on this base where the astronauts can sleep and meet their vital needs. There is a research center to carry out their research and water and oxygen tanks to meet the needs of astronauts. Oxygen and water tanks are intertwined, but are connected to all other areas. We connected all areas with tube gates to limit time spent on the lunar surface. With the greenhouse area, we provided astronauts with food support when they needed to stay for a long time. In this base, energy is provided from solar panels and a satellite receiver is placed in order to communicate quickly with the world.

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