
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: GELATORMOON_ Claudia, Ana P., Ana L, Melanie P.

Category: Moon base | El Ejido. Almería |  Spain |  4 |  15 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description


 This lunar base consists of communicating goods between the Earth and the Moon through space. One of the advantages of the moon is gravity, this makes it easier for goods to communicate. Another problem is the little gravity that there is in our satellite (only a sixth of that of the Earth). Over time, this can cause problems like muscle and bone loss. Any such base has to be able to hold breathable air, that is, it has to provide oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.


  1. Moon exploration
  2. Learn to survive in space

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