
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: RN Moon Bas3

Category: Moon base | Hong Kong |  Hong Kong |  1 |  13 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

If humanity as a species remains one planet, it is at risk of complete annihilation and extinction. To continue and accelerate the expansion of humanity though the cosmos, a moon base can serve as an early step in galactic expansion while also allowing missions to be carried out from a forward base allowing for cheaper and more efficient exploration. For full colonization of the moon, we must take 3 main steps, exploring, outposting and finally setting up the self-sustaining city. Back during the Apollo missions the first step was completed, and now we must finish the job. Designers at the ADSA (autodesk space agency) have designed a moon base to accommodate the needs of the brave astronauts of the ESA. The moon base has redundant systems for maximum security, while also including different tools for self sufficiency, survival, transportation, living and research.

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