
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: Kārlis Reima

Category: Moon base | Valmiera |  Latvia |  1 |  11 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

This is my lunar base. Outside there are solar panels for electricity generation. There is also an emergency missile. Repel asteroids is a weapon. There is a temperature regulator at the back of the base. A water tank is attached to the base. Inside the base is a garden with potatoes and tomatoes. When you enter the base, the first thing you will see are the lockers for work and communication when walking through the hall to the private premises. The private rooms have a bedroom, a bathroom and a shower.

Original Text:
Tā ir mana Mēness bāze. Ārpusē ir saules paneļi elektrības ražošanai. Ir arī avārijas raķete. Atvairīt asteroīdus ir ierocis. Pamatnes aizmugurē ir temperatūras regulators. Pie pamatnes ir piestiprināta ūdens tvertne. Pamatnes iekšpusē ir dārzs ar kartupeļiem un tomātiem. Ieejot bāzē, pirmā lieta, ko redzēsiet, ir darba un sakaru skapji, ejot pa zāli uz privātajām telpām. Privātajos numuros ir guļamistabas, vannas istaba un duša.

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