
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base

Team: iSpace

Category: Moon base | Warsaw |  Poland |  1 |  14 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

My moon base, iSpace, is specified for research. There was an online announcement back in March 2021, by the China National Space Administration, trying to cooperate with Roscosmos, the Russian federal space agency, in order to create the International Lunar Research Station. My moon base has an airlock. It means that the toxic gases that we might bring from the outside will be eradicated. This is crucial because my moon base has a certification in plant research. For now, plants are able to germinate and grow on both Martian and moon soil simulant for a period of 50 days without any addition of nutrients. The goal of the iSpace moon base, in the seeks of the International Lunar Research Station, is to make life on moon and Mars more accessible. There is a research chamber with two plant prototypes and excessive light intensity. The light intensity insures the correct germination and growth of plants. There is also insulation technology sponsored by Apple. There is a thick purple block surrounding each chamber. This ensures that there is as little heat and energy loss as posisble. Apart from the research chamber, there is also the deductive, “research” chamber. This is where the results are discussed and new solutions are made. All of the chambers are connected by tunnels, that link to the main chamber. It is where “lifestyle” can be held. This Moon Camp project is a starter to the great things that this moon base will evolve into: more complex research and more chambers will be built and sponsored by the China Nationa Space Administration and Roscosmos.

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