
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Moon Base


Category: Moon base | Olivenza |  Spain |  3 |  18 years old, 17 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

We want to take to the Moon the capacity for empathy and the model of coexistence between cultures that coexist in our city, halfway between Spain and Portugal, with many citizens with dual nationality and daily conversations between their neighbors in both languages, as a form of cooperation between different nationalities.

Our lunar base will be located in one of the Anaximenes craters, near the north pole of the face visible from Earth. The reason for this choice is that the interior floor of Anaximenes is relatively flat compared to typical lunar terrain. The inner surface is marked by a multitude of small craters of various dimensions (the most notable being about 2-3 kilometers in diameter).

The generation of electricity will be carried out through adjustable photovoltaic panels, which will supply us with light and heat, as well as energy for electronic devices and appliances for cooking and preserving.
The food will be freeze-dried and hydrolyzed, in addition to the vegetables, fruits and vegetables that we produce in our greenhouse, watered with water recycled after human use and that obtained from the ice on the dark side of the moon.

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