
Team: La sérénité

ecole Alsacienne  Paris    France 11   2 / 0

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Project description

Our Moon camp is called “La sérénité”  , the serenity camp. The moon camp is gonna be able to welcome up to 8 astronauts. Our moon camp consists of one big habitat divided in 2 big sections. The first one is the living section ( sleeping, entertaining etc), the second section is all of the scientific equipment (lab). The camp has also a medical center that can accommodate 2 astronauts, a gym that can welcome 7 astronauts, two 20 square meters each of food growing center and a shower . The camp is also equipped with 4 heavy duty rovers that could help a lot of the astronauts’ tasks, for example extracting ice from the rocks or having to repair a damaged thing on the base. They will also have 2 rovers that can greet up to 4 astronauts each. The base is gonna be equipped with  100 square meters of solar panels that create 50 000 kWH .

Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?

Our astronauts will want to go to the moon and build their moon camp because we want to do scientific research on the moon at the South Pole to make rocket fuel and much more to then build a rocket launch pad to go to other planets or natural satellites.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

Our astronauts will want to build their moon camp near Shackleton crater because the natural resource given to them,  for example the sunlight that will help the 100 square meters solar panel field or the ice from the crater that will help our astronauts to drinks or the ice that will help our crew to make rocket fuel by turning the ice into water and by splitting the water into liquid oxygen and hydrogen with are both two major element to create rocket fuel because rocket fuel has 80 % of liquid oxygen.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.

We plan to build our moon based of  Titanium, Kevlar, and high-grade steel to prevent radiation and to be very strong and reliable. We can use the moon’s natural resources, for example moon soil to then put it in our 4 heavy duty rovers because our rovers are multifunctional : they are equipped with a 3D printer that will make a big envelope over the camp to prevent a malfunction with the base or just to prevent radiation.

How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.

Our moon camp protects against harsh environments because first of all the moon’s 3D printed soil is like an envelope that will protect our moon camp from any radiation and the whole base is made to be in cold weather like on the moon.

On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.

The natural natural resources that will really help our astronauts will be first of all the sun. The moon camp is equipped with one hundred square meters of solar panels, we call it “the field”, the field will produce about 50 hundred kWH per day which is a lot and then the electricity will go to the nuclear reactor. In case of failure the reactor will have a backup and will be automatically shut down after less than 30 seconds. The second major source will be the 40 square meters farm food that will be growing the astronauts food in major quantities. The last and not least will be the ice from the moon, the ice will have to major section : the power that will be the rocket fuel and the water that will be used to drink and provide hydration tov the vegetation.

What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?

What we would include in our astronauts training program will be an extra-long  moonwalk because our astronauts will have to spend almost twice the duration of a ISS normal space walk because the astronauts will have to pass a lot of time in some crater to take a lot of ice , which consists of spending 12 hours in the Nasa scuba diving center for astronauts.

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