
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: SIG squad Jr

Siguldas novada Jaunrades centrs  Sigulda    Latvia 13, 11, 12

External link for 3d

Project description

Project is about what it would look like for people to live on the Moon in 2035. 3D model shows a base where people experiment, live and plan future factories that will produce materials from lunar rocks. Astronauts living in this base are sometimes sent resources or food. Mostly everything is produced on the Moon. Solid materials are made from the dust and rocks of the Moon. Raw materials and food are brought by launchers and rockets with people. There are special platforms at the landing sites that are more durable than the lunar surface. Plants are grown in greenhouses to be able to eat. To protect people from radiation, the lunar base is printed over with a layer of lunar dust. Water for homes and greenhouses comes from a water collector that heats the ice underground and absorbs it into the storage at the top. Then it goes through the pipes to the required place. Based on the Moon, there are not only buildings where people can live, but also a laboratory. Experiments are being carried out in it. Broken devices are also repaired (if this happens). The other part of the Moon base is the orbiting station. Small rockets with minerals are attached to it and sent to Earth. Small rockets are held by a robot that moves across the lunar surface and digs the earth. The packaging will be made of a material that can be used as a plant fertilizer.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

We choose the Lunar North Pole because there are craters that contain ice. Ice can be used as water to drink. And also it can be splitted in hydrogen and oxygen. That can be used to breath and also as rocket fuel. Additionally there are a lot of sunlight available for generating electricity.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Part of the base will be brought as cargo – inflatable modules, that later will be covered with lunar dust. Additionally, using lunar dust from which to print a solid material in different shapes used as shelter if something goes wrong. Later on there will be orbital station – as hub for cargo shipments, that will allow base to expand.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

The water will be circulated from the sent water. Circulation action: works by collecting astronaut urine and exhaled air moisture. It is then purified. Using it as water or splitting it to form oxygen. Ice will be obtained from craters and melted by the energy produced by the sun. Overall base has circulation system in place for water purification and delivery for every building.

Some food will be brought from the Earth but most will be grown in the Moon’s greenhouses. Vegetables will be grown in greenhouses – autonomous greenhouses. That can be added when neccessary.

Energy will be obtained from solar panels that will be placed on several places around base. At night, when the surface is in the dark, energy will be obtained from flying satellite mirrors, which will aim it at the surface where it will be further received. Rocket fuel will be able to be obtained from water by breaking down its molecules into oxygen and hydrogen, which are useful as rocket fuel.

Oxygen will be obtained by splitting water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. Or using a circulation process. Necessary gases will be added to create breathable air.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

An alarm rings. I wake up. My housemates also wake up. We go to the first floor and have breakfast. This time we eat potatoes with onions and carrots with cream that were sent to us three days ago. Already while eating I know that today I would have to repair a base rover. I go to the lab where my friends were waiting for me to go to the broken rover. It went on a mission yesterday to explore other places for the mining plant. And then the wheel broke. I go to the lab by tube. My colleagues are waiting for me. We put on suits and ride the rover to the broken one. We got there in 18 minutes. The tire have a hole and is stuck in a small crater. We pull out the rover with a rope. I use lunar dust to seal the hole. It can go to the laboratory. Then we go to have lunch. In the lab, other people repair the rover. In the meantime, I go to the lander. I pick up the boxes I sent today and go back to the lab. I have to prepare the factory equipment. When I have prepared them, I took them to the first floor, where the warehouse is located. Then we go to eat. We have to train after dinner. I can call to my family later. I talk to them and then go to bed.

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