
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: KA Mooncamp

Kamuzu Academy  Kasungu    Malawi 12, 12

External link for 3d

Project description

Our moon camp will accommodate four astronauts comfortably. The storage facilities will be able to store food to last the four astronauts for eight years. The facility will have four dorms with each astronaut in their own room, since our four astronauts are scientists, the moon camp will have a lab which they will be using for their studies and filing cabinets which will be used to store their study data in order of days. The astronauts will also have a gym which will help them to stay in shape and healthy. During this period the astronauts will also be able to grow some food for consumption through irrigation facilities which have been designed on the moon camp. The moon camp has the Oxygen tower which will be used to store harvested oxygen. Oxygen will be harvested from the Soil and from the Ice which is found on the moon surface. The moon camp will also have the water recycling system because water is scare and it’s harvesting process is complex. My moon camp will be airtight so that the inside can be pumped up with breathing air from the oxygen tower without leaking. This moon camp will be cooled when its very hot and will be heated when it is cold. The moon camp will also have a power generator which will be powered by solar since the moon has endless sunlight. The Camp will also have an airlock room which will be sucking the outside air out.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

we would love to build our Moon Camp close to the tycho crater which is located to the southern lunar highlands.

Why did you choose this location?

We made this choice because the Tycho Crater is permanently shadowed and it contains Ice and other minerals which can be used by the astronauts. The shadows on the tycho crater will help to cool the moon camp from the high temperatures on the moon. The mountain peaks of the crater is mostly dazzled by blinding sun shine which will enable the generator on the moon camp to use the solar and also makes the place look beautiful.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The materials for building the moon camp will be light weight because they will be sent from Earth to the moon using a rocket. These materials will be sent in small quantities on several occasions to the moon. They will all be assembled when the astronauts have arrived at the moon wearing their space suits. These astronauts will be trained on how to assemble the moon camp during their preparation to go to the moon. To prevent the high radiation on the moon, I will cover my moon camp with thick layers of moon rocks which is radiation resistant.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water will be harvested from the Ice that is found on the moon surface. Since I am building my Moon camp on the Tycho crater which is cold and permanently shadowed at the south pole, water ice is found on the moon surface. It is this ice that will be harvested using heat and electricity from the solar generator to make water for drinking and irrigation.

The astronauts will have packed foods like dehydrated fruits and vegetables, rehydratable beverages, beacon and fortified fruit strips which they will carry from Earth. They will also be able to plant their own food for consumption on the moon soil and they will be able to irrigate using some of the harvested water. The Astronauts will carry enough food with all the required nutrients for consumption on the moon.

The moon is exposed to sunlight constantly which makes solar power easy to harvest. Light from the sun will be converted to electricity via moon solar cells that were installed on the moon equator. A lunar solar power system has already been installed on the moon and will be used to generate power. Biomass will also be used as back up source of power on the biomass generators.

The astronauts will have several ways of harvesting oxygen. The first source of Oxygen will be the soil. This will be harvested using heat and electricity. The second source of oxygen will be the ice which will be converted to Oxygen and Hydrogen. The Oxygen will be used for breathing and the Hydrogen will be used as fuel for the Rocket.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

When astronauts wake up, they have a pretty tight schedule. The first thing they do is go workout in the gym to keep their bodies in shape to prevent bone and muscle loss. After two hours of exercise, the astronaut will go for breakfast. Then the astronaut will have a potty break and a bath. During the bath they will also have time to brush their teeth. After the bath the astronauts will clean their rooms. Then the astronauts will report for duty. This means that they will be conducting science experiments the whole day. While at it they will also be conducting medical experiments on their bodies to figure out how best their bodies are adjusting to living in space. They always have to eat on time depending on their body sizes. After work, they will make time for fun and will have time to chat with people on earth. As a form of entertainment, astronauts will be playing board games, cards and watch movies or documentaries. After such a busy day, the astronauts will go to sleep in their rooms. They will also have a weekend off to relax in preparation for another busy week ahead. That’s a day of an astronaut on the moon.

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