
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: 2AMF

Primary School No. 3 in Puławy  Puławy    Poland 14

External link for 3d

Project description

Description of our project Our team is named 2AMF, because it symbolises the first letter of every persons in our group name and it symbolises the strength of our team. Our base is named Vasmo from the combination of Vasco da Gam, which sailed around Africa and discovered a sea route to Asia and Moon. Our base has everything needed and below is a description of specific buildings. Building 406 – Garage: In this building on the ground floor there are 4 futuristic vehicles, on the first floor there is a control panel from which a group of people can see the vehicles’ technical condition and the fuel that fuels them. Building 403 – Control center: In this building a group controls the actions performed in the entire settlement. They manage the experiments and expeditions. Building 404 – Mining center: In this building the most important resources are collected for example water or materials required to make new buildings. Building 401 – Residential building: In this building every crew member sleeps. Building 405 – Canteen: In this building every crew member eats. Building 402 – Laboratory and earth traveling management: People working in this building do experiments, building and repairing space rockets. Building 407, 498, 409 – Glasshouses: In these buildings plants, which make oxygen, which is delivered to every building are planted.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Hermite Krater close to North Pole

Why did you choose this location?

We chose the Hermite crater found in the North. It is close to the North Pole of the moon. We chose this location, because there are water deposits near it, which the space rover will be collecting. Also the temperature there is a lot more bearable, being between -50 and 0 degrees of Celsius and the day is also longer.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

2We would first send out the first group, which would build the base. They would work in space suits and they would work for 6 months. They would live in tents set up in a cave, which would protect them from meteorites. The base would be built from most of the materials, but part of them would be made on the moon, which would be cement, but titanium would be used for the casing, which although being expensive is durable enough to use in the construction of the base, but wood would be used for the floors. Energy Energy would be collected from the sun through solar panels , but only for half a year, because that’s how long the sun shines near the North Pole. Energy would be stored in special lithium batteries, which would store energy for the second half of the year. The space rover would also be powered by electricity.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water would be collected from the North Pole of the Moon. After landing a space rover would be sent to the North Pole to collect water from it. Later the water would be filtered in the base through a module thanks to which the base wouldn’t have to use water collected from inside the Moon because the base isn’t far from the North Pole.

FoodFood would be brought from earth for the first group, which would build the base. The group would also prepare green houses, in which they would plant plants, which would be farmed in dirt stimulating growth. When the second (science) group gets to the base there already will be fully grown plants waiting for them, however some ingredients will be delivered for example B12, which the vegan diet lacks. The diet would also be already prepared and it would have to be strictly followed.

The physical condition of the astronauts is very important. They must strengthen their muscles at all times. The gym will help them with this.

AirAt the beginning the first group would build a machine, which would collect oxygen from the water. It wouldn’t be needed to walk in space suits thanks to which the exhaled CO2 would spread around the base and get to the plants, which would have the perfect environment to photosynthesise and create oxygen making the air self-sustainable and the base could use oxygen to create fuel.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Description of everyday lifeThe same day, but for the person in the first group: The beginning of the day is the same and the activities aren’t any different. The person works as a gardener and takes care of the plants. They water them, carefully inspect them and take care of them. They also relax in the park or the social room and eats lunch. They get back to work and when they finish the make a report of their work for the superior. Then they have free time to relax and video call their family. Then they eat dinner, get to their room and go to sleep.The second group is split into two parts, which work in shifts, when one is sleeping the other is working. An astronaut wakes up alone in their room even though they live with another crew member, but he’s in the first group. The astronaut after waking up goes eat their breakfast in the canteen, after which he takes a shower. Every two days the order changes and the astronaut first takes a shower and then eats. After completing both activities the astronaut goes to the laboratory, in which he conducts experiments relating to the structure of the earth on the moon with an another scientist. During break he goes to the park or the social room to relax and after he eats lunch. After his break he goes back to work and continues his experiments. At the end he informs his superior about what he learned. The rest of the day is free and he can spend it for example on a video call with his family, reading about what happens on earth, playing a video game or walking in the park.

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