
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Team Cosmic Constellation

Generation’s School  Karachi    Pakistan 12, 13

External link for 3d

Project description

We designed our moon base in a modern, cutting edge design. It has everything you can
expect in a house 384,400 km away from home, Our moon base has 4 houses, a green
house and a storage house. The unique thing about our structure is that we have connected
all of our houses with oxygenated tunnels so that you can travel from one place to another
with ease. Our camp has 2 bathrooms, one big bedroom, a kitchen, an office, a casual
hangout room, a dressing room and a library. Our project accommodates up to 6 people.
After all, we don’t want our astronauts feeling homesick. Right?

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

We will build our base above the surface of the moon, near the Shackleton crater because the peaks of the crater are exposed to almost continuous sunlight, while the interior walls are perpetually in shadow. This will be useful as the experiments require light and energy. Of which both are provided by the big ball of fire in the sky, and shadow and coolness (for the astronauts well being!).

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We designed our moon camp so that it can be safe and comfortable for the astronauts. The first layer of the base is to be an inflatable structure, this structure will serve as the foundation of the base, the second layer is going to be 3D printed with lunar soil, we have decided to cover our camp with a layer of aerogel and polyethylene as we will need protection from meteorites and solar flares and aerogel and polyethylene both are extremely good insulators and pretty strong.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We will be getting our water with the ISS’s complex water recycling system, which recycles every last drop of moisture found on the base, sources could be people’s breath, recycled shower water, residue from hand-washing and oral hygiene, astronauts’ sweat and even urine.

Some Vegetables and fruits will be provided by the autonomous green house built in the middle of the base, most of the other food will be sent up from earth, the food will be freeze dried. Which means all the moisture will be sucked out from it, this kind of food will almost never go bad, so when one of our astronaut pals fancies a meatball stew or delectable cupcakes… all they have to do is find the package sprinkle on some water and there you have it some delicious food waiting to be eaten!

Our main power source will obviously be the sun. We will have solar panels located on top of the green house and on either sides of the base. But what about lunar eclipses? To answer that we will have fuel cells that are like big rechargeable batteries, these fuel cells will be charged by the solar panels on the days the sun is cooperating and they will be more than enough to last us throughout the lunar eclipse.

The primary source of oxygen will come from the earth. We will make oxygen via water electrolysis and this process will also leave hydrogen gas which we can reuse by the same process A little bi of the oxygen will also be obtained from compounds on the moon inside lunar ores.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The astronauts would wake up bright and early, at 6 AM, go to the restroom and freshen up.Then they would go into their fitness hour in the “hangout space” for an hour. Next they will proceed towards the kitchen for a good meal i.e. greenhouse vegetables , while the freeze dried food is an end of the week reward. After dinner they will have a meeting in the office to discuss their agenda and schedule. At 5 PM in the day, the crew members will hold a quick meetup in the study room to update their ground team about any new developments, meanwhile they would eat a light snack. After an hour they will start cleaning up, then they will have an hour to do what they please for leisure and at around 9 pm they would have their dinner, and go to bed after a long
day at the Cosmic Constellation moon camp.

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