
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Daniel Fowler STEM FAS

STEM FAS e.V  Seeheim    Germany 14

External link for 3d

Project description

My moon camp has underground living quarters with 3 floors the base is underground to help shield from radiation and offer additional protection from asteroids. The first floor is the greenhouse, sticking out of the ground to expose the plants to sunlight. At the entrance of the base there is an airlock and decontamination chamber once the astronauts leave the air-lock they come to the hallway connecting the 4 rooms to get through the hallway the astronauts need to use the ladder. To the left, the astronauts can access the lavatory. The second floor has sleeping quarters. On the ground floor, the astronauts have an office/lab for all their experiments and work. Coming out of the base there is a large cluster of solar panels connected to a BMS. The solar panels are covered by a protective cover letting the light through but shielding from micrometeorites. Roaming around the camp there are rovers equipped with a drill and claw. The rovers have inbuilt solar panels so they can charge on the go. To the right of the base, there is a 3d printer that can use solar soil or plastics to make needed parts. Behind the base, there is a composter to extract methane for fuel and water for the astronauts. To the right, there is an oxygen plant for extracting oxygen from moon dust. Further from the base are sighted the communication antennas and rocket launch gantry along with a rocket for returning to the earth.

To protect the astronauts the base is mostly located underground and is made out of polythene which absorbs or deflect the radiation the solar panels are also under a cover ensuring their safety from debris and micrometeorites

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

I chose this location because it supplies the astronauts with ice and lots of sun light. There are also craters which have fossil records of hydrogen and ice dating back to early in the solar system.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Most of the base would be shipped ahead of the astronauts along with robots which would start the construction and have the basics of the base completed by the time the astronauts arrived. The base would be made from lunar soil, polyethylene and suitable lightweight alloys. The polyethylene would protect from radiation and the soil could be turned into concrete and put into the 3d printer to make structures.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

A recycling system filters all organic waste to extract the water (including human waste), additionally, the lunar ice can be loaded into the recycling system to filter out unwanted bacteria and dirt. Once the water enters the storage drum minerals important to human health get added in order to keep the astronauts in peak physical health.

The greenhouse on the top floor of the base provides the astronauts with fresh fruit and vegetables needed to sustain them. The soil in the greenhouse is kept fertilised by the compost produced in the composter and mixed with lunar soil.

The solar panels connected to one of the two BMS (battery management systems) provide all the power the base needs. The composter also collects the methane from the bio mas and uses it for fueling the rocket.
The plants in the greenhouse convert some of the CO2 into oxygen and the oxygen plant extracts oxygen from the lunar soil, in the case of an emergency there are oxygen tanks in most rooms.

The solar panels connected to one of the two BMS (battery management systems) provide all the power the base needs. The composter also collects the methane from the bio mas and uses it for fueling the rocket.
The plants in the greenhouse convert some of the CO2 into oxygen and the oxygen plant extracts oxygen from the lunar soil, in the case of an emergency there are oxygen tanks in most rooms.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The day would start with the astronauts eating a precisely calculated ration of the vegetables and fruit grown on-site, and drink some of the recycled and collected water. They would then do a check on all the systems and do any necessary fixes. Next would be their time for exercise in the living quarters and some leisure time. The astronaut would eat again before joining an online conference with ground control. Following that they would do some experiments and office work before eating and going back to the living quarters to get some sleep and then repeat.

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