
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Fantabulous Rottis-Lappis

IES Macarena  Seville    Spain 11

External link for 3d

Project description

A new era has come, a time of evolution, thanks to this new space-based design you can be on the moon for a good time.

Besides that all this uses energy from solar panels.

The difference – The Large Oxygen Capsule.

This capsule is the main building of this new spatial base design. The many trees inside create oxygen that goes through the tube that connects to the houses, and provide you with oxygen to people.

Plants need water and sun, on the moon there is no water. Another problem that there is is that by day plants absorb carbon dioxide and give oxygen, but at night they do just the opposite, so if you’re locked in a place that doesn’t get air and there are a lot of plants you can die. These three problems are already solved.

The water was carried from the ground, but you don’t have to always take it, because inside the a cycle of artificial water has been created. The water is on the ground and feeds the plants, then the water evaporates and on the roof of the capsule and clouds form. When it accumulates a lot of water upstairs rains, then the plants absorb the water with their roots and the whole process is repeatagain.

As for the light, the site chosen for the camp is the Shackleton crater where there are areas that are always illuminated.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

Some areas of Shackleton crater are permanently exposed to the sun and therefore the panels will work all the time, while there are also areas of permanent shade. In this way we can have the benefits of both options.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We will only use materials that the robots can extract from the moon itself, from places near the first temporary base from where the final camp will be built. Numerous studies carried out gave us the information that all the materials that we will need are already there.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

According to various investigations, there is lunar ice at the lunar south pole. As our camp will be nearby, the robots are trained to extract the materials necessary for the camp and at the same time extract the water enclosed in the materials.

In the large oxygen capsule we will recreate life as we know it on Earth. It will be our private farm that is expected to produce more food than we will need. In fact, the camp is provided with a large warehouse for it.

Solar panels are the only source of energy. Being in an always lit area they keep the entire camp functioning:
robots, refrigerators, ovens, lights and everything in the house.

This large oxygen capsule is the main building of this new spatial base design. The trees inside create oxygen that goes through the tube that connects to the houses, and provide you with oxygen to people.

Plants need water and sun, on the moon there is no water. Another problem that there is is that by day plants absorb carbon dioxide and give oxygen, but at night they do just the opposite, so if you’re locked in a place that doesn’t get air and there are a lot of plants you can die. These three problems are already solved.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

The robots are responsible for ensuring that everything is okay. If something is broken, they take a photo and the
send to ESA, they are also responsible for transporting shipments that arrive in rockets to
the capsule also recognizes all the faces of the astronauts, whenever some
They have them classified and if there are any that they do not recognize, they send emergency messages to the
Fish trap. They are doing this so there is no undercover spy. The day-to-day life of an astronaut on the moon is based on carrying out scientific studies to find out if we can live there, especially as a stopping point for Mars. They studied how to get more water, more energy, more oxygen and what possibilities would have to create a small atmosphere.

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