
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Shining Stars!

St. Peter’s School  Barcelona    Spain 9, 8

External link for 3d

Project description

Moon lander: The moon lander is where the rocket lands it makes it safer to land. It is a circular shape and it is a bit long. The moon lander is a very important piece.
Rocket: The rocket is where the people or robots go to space. The rocket is tall and it has lots of kerosene and liquid oxygen so it makes it fly. The rocket is very useful because it helps people to go to space. Hydrolysis (convert water to Hydrogen and Oxygen. Rockets have large fuel tanks. To make a rocket go you need liquid Oxygen. The rocket has to go very quickly because if not it will not pass the atmosphere and it will explode. It has to land very well. That’s why there is a moon lander. But if there is too much kerosene in the rocket the rocket would not go up because there would be too much weight, you can’t have lots of weight. So if there is too much weight in the rocket the rocket will not go up because it has so much weight.
Green house: The green house can produce food for the astronauts.Thanks to the plants and trees it is possible to convert the carbon dioxide to oxygen .with plants we can survive, eat and sometimes drink like apples have some water to drink.
The gym. The gym has a ball and treadmill, a ladder and the static bike so astronauts stay fit in low Moon gravity. The astronauts need to get lots of exercise to keep their bones and muscles strong.
The science room:It has 3 computers, 2 3D printers, 4 test tubes and 3 chairs.I think that we need a science room because we need to discover new things the rovers can help us find. And we also need to have contact with Earth because if there is something urgent we need to tell it to people that are on Earth. In the science room we have 3D printers of course to print things from the Moon dust or regolith.
Bedroom: I designed this bed room because I think it will be comfortable it has two beds, a desk and a wardrobe inside the wardrobe. There are space helmets,a valve to get more air and there are space costumes.
Kitchen: I did this kitchen because I think it will be good to eat, there is space food for the astronauts.there is a freezer to keep the space food nice. There is a oven to make the food hotter.
Livingroom: The living room has a big T.V ,then there is a sofa and next to the sofa there is a plant and a lamp. It has a table so you can relax and a poof to sit down.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

South pole because the temperatures are nicer and better for the human conditions. We decided to build our moon camp inside a crater or volcano, this way we are protected from asteroids and cold temperatures. In addition to this, living on the north pole will allow us to obtain even more energy from the never ending sunset.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We would use strong and heavy materials so they wouldn’t float to space. First, we would plan it on paper and then we would build it on the moon. We would bring solar panels and lots of other things and we could use broken parts and lunar minerals to make other things. We would work together. The first thing we would do is to put the rover on the moon with its 3D printer and it will build the first room thanks to this technology. The first room would be the bedroom so they could rest from the space journey and the second room would be the living room in order to provide a living space to eat and watch TV to recover their energy, so they can do their mission.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

There is evidence that under the moon’s surface there is ice so you can turn it into water so you can drink it. It is important to have water so you can drink it.

We can obtain food by the plants that we have in the green house that we.built.We can plant cherries, potatoes, Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes, ginger, Avocado and Celery.

In order to obtain all the necessary electrical energy our first energy source are the solar panels,our second energy source is based on thermal energy which obtains the energy from the volcanoes, all the energy will be stored in one big battery.

On the moon there are several gases such as carbon dioxide, hydrogen and many more, therefore thanks to a machine that converts carbon dioxide to oxygen and carbon we will provide oxygen to the entrance room and then the oxygen will be transported to the rest of the rooms. In addition to this the green house will provide oxygen as a second source .

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

We would use strong and heavy materials so they wouldn’t float to space. First, we would plan it on paper and then we would build it on the moon. We would bring solar panels and lots of other things and we could use broken parts and lunar minerals to make other things. We would work together. The first thing we would do is to put the rover on the moon with its 3D printer and it will build the first room thanks to this technology. The first room would be the bedroom so they could rest from the space journey and the second room would be the living room in order to provide a living space to eat and watch TV to recover their energy, so they can do their mission.

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