
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Neu-mooncampers

Colegio Menesiano  Madrid    Spain 13

External link for 3d

Project description

We wanted our mooncamp to be a safe and nice place, people are there to work, but we want them to feel safe and comfortable, our mooncamp is divided in two parts, one side has the rocket, the water deposits, solar panels, the garden, and everything that is related to surviving and investigating on the moon, in the other side is where all the houses are,
where all the astronauts and investigators live. Each house comes with a parking space and a car that is parked outside the house so they can move around. It is all connected by tunnels which have oxygen that is
provided by the garden. We also have huge water deposits that hold a lot of water, but we still reuse water with a filter that is underground that cleans the water so it can be reused.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Equator

Why did you choose this location?

We would choose the lunar equator since the poles are to cold, and even though we are there to investigate we have to survive, the far side is always dark and we would have to always use electricity, the lunar lava tubes are dangerous since lava can kill you and the Shackleton crater is always dark so the lunar equator is the best option.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We plan to send a rocket full of robots and another rocket full of materials which will be the first things to land on the moon, the robots will start to build our moon camp on with the materials that we sent and also with some materials that are on the moon. When our mooncamp is build or almost finished humans will go to check that everything is fine and when they check that everything is fine more people will start to go to the moon.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We have built water deposits on the moon, and they provide water. The hold more than 5.000.000 liters. So that water is never lacking. But just in case we build a water filter underground so once the water is used, you can clean it and reuse it again.

We have built a garden with trees that provide us with all time of vegetable and fruits, plus every month the rocket is programmed to go back to Earth (on its own) once it gets there our coworkers on Earth will fill the rocket up with meat, and proteins that are prepared for space.

We have built solar panels that will provide electricity and energy that we use for different thing, the energy travels through cables to the houses and to everywhere that energy and electricity is used.

We have a garden full of trees that provides oxygen, the gardens are connected to all the tunnels and the houses to provide oxygen. People are only allowed to walk around the tunnels since outside there is no oxygen, for people who are there to investigate we have oxygen tanks so they can go outside, or for example, if something breaks and needs to be fixed, our best engineers are allowed to go outside with the oxygen tanks and fix it.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

First we wake up in our house we take the car that is parked outside our house, and we take it to the dining room where I eat the food that they give me.

After that depends on where you work you go to one place or another, if you are investigators you are allowed to go outside the tunnels to investigate, if you work in the solar panels, water deposits… you are not allowed to go outside the tunnels.

For lunch you go back to the dining room where they give you your portion of food.

Then you either have the afternoon off or you go back to work, after that you go to the dining room to have dinner and back to your house to sleep.

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