
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: ASEA003

Aerospace Explorers Academy  Kerman    Iran 14

External link for 3d

Project description

Our moon camp provides a safe camp and research center. The camp is under Shackleton crater’s ground. Solar panels are in Shackleton crater’s rim. This place is always sunny and it will bring us a big amount of energy. Our moon camp is 2 floored and it can have maximum 7 astronauts. This camp provides a wide range of farming productions and science researches. The systems and technologies that moon camp provides give astronauts the ability to research asteroids, stars, test some bacteria and medicines in space and …. We provide the water and air we need from ices. The food we need is produced from our aeroponic farm. Astronauts have 1 hour researching outside with researching van, 3 hours working on samples that they have collected outside of the camp in laboratory, 3 hours and 40 mins exercising, and 2 hours and 40 mins resting.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

Shackleton crater’s rim is always sunny and we can place some solar panels on them and they can produce the electric power we need. Shackleton crater has some ice and we can produce water from them. Interior part of Shackleton crater has no sunlight and this produces a low-temperature place. This can be useful for us because it makes the temperature stable. Shackleton crater is a cold trap for asteroids and comets. These space objects have water and materials we need and we can use them for building our moon camp or building robotic systems.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

Our moon camp is under the ground and this will make the camp safe from asteroids and radiations. The camp has 2 floors: a restroom and a laboratory. 
The restroom has a TV, 7 chairs and 7 beds. Astronauts should sleep there. Under each bed is storage where they can put their equipment there. When astronaut’s works are finished, they can rest, watch a film, communicate with their family, Exercise, and …. 
The laboratory is a place for chemical and biological researching. The research van brings some materials for research. The chemical and biological researching results will be reported.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

moon camp will be built in the center of Shackleton which is really freezing and astronauts need to be warm so Solar Water Heater is the option which requires a lot of water to make the camp warm due to this we will extract water from regolith to gain water but it’s not enough so ice is melted to produce more water and these two will be used as drinking water and for the Solar Water Heater and Water Recovery System which recover Urine to drinking water.

we grow plants using aeroponic:
Lettuce, spinach, kale, collard greens, cabbage, and other leafy greens are easy to grow in small spaces with aeroponics systems.

most of the moon camp power is gained by solar panels which are placed on the warm part of the Shackleton also in the pipes that transfer hot water from the solar water heater will be small propellers that spin while hot water is transferring to the camp.

To produce air camp will have a machine which separates oxygen from water and will inject the oxygen into the camp

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Morning: astronauts wake up 9:00 in the morning and do sanitary after breakfast for workout astronauts will do treadmill for 60mins after treadmill astronaut will rest for 15mins later, astronauts will do Reversed End Diastolic (or ARED) for 60mins later, they will have 15mins rest. Astronauts will do Cycle Ergometer for 50mins after rest time. Then astronauts relax for 30 min. After that they will suit up and will go for research and Sample collecting for 1 hour.
Afternoon: when astronauts arrive from researching the time is about 14:00 or 14:50. Astronauts will have launch for about 30mins. Then astronauts will do treadmill for 90mins. After that they will relax for 30mins. Then they will do researching on Samples for 3 hours. After researching, astronauts will have dinner for 30 min.
Night: After finishing the jobs they have; the time is about 8:50 and astronauts are free to do their hobbies till 10:00 which astronauts should sleep.

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