
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: DAARE Conquerors’ lunar base  Bangalore    India 8, 10, 11

External link for 3d

Project description

This is DAARE Conquerors’ lunar base. This base is spread across 5 acre land on the moon. This is built for 2 astronauts and can be extended in the future. It has all the facilities for the astronauts for their regular operations in moon. It is located near the lunar pole.

Parts of the lunar base:

Rocket port and a launch pad: for transporting the samples from the Moon to the Earth.
Living quarters: for astronauts to rest
Water transporter: From the human waste we obtain the manure and also purify the waste water into oxygen & drinking water.
Farming plot: for growing plants, that supply food to astronauts. The Astronauts are supplied with fishes & chickens to experiment on breeding, as they can act as source of food.
A specific satellite is deployed for ensuring uninterrupted observation of base & to establish communication with ground station on the Earth.

Also there is a rover, a research laboratory & a space observatory.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

The lunar poles have easy access to water-ice and also the temperature variation is limited here. Water is the primary need for humans to survive. Therefore, we have water extractor station here which will convert the frozen water to liquid state. Also this station will purify the water and add necessary minerals for drinking, for plants and for fishery. The almost constant temperature will provide the liberty to manage the thermal control for the entire settlement.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

The builds are made up of aluminum outside and titanium or high grade steel on the inside. Due to no atmosphere on the moon small meteors pose a big threat to the camp, therefore there will be a layer of Kevlar on every building to stop these small meteorites. Plus the builds have as little sharp corners as possible because those are weak spots and may crack due to the pressure difference between the interior and the exterior atmosphere. The buildings have a heat shield to balance the temperature change of the day and night on the moon.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We can find water in the polar ice caps of the moon and the moon is found to have water in its craters and caves underground. This water will be extracted within water transporter building. We can thoroughly purify the ice water and can use it in many different cases other than drinking like it can be used in the plants and can be split into hydrogen and oxygen which is rocket propellant. But moon water isn’t pure as it might have impurities and other compounds therefore purification is carried out in the water transporter building.

On the food basis the astronauts are almost independent. The food will be regularly supplied from earth and also the astronauts will grow plants in the farming plot which will provide healthy and fresh food. The main crop will be potatoes and micro greens as it can be grown easily and does not require too much care. The astronauts can develop fishery from the fishes transported by the supply rocket, this increases the amount of food on one’s plate and increases the morale of the crew.

Energy can’t be easily harvested on the moon. Solar energy isn’t that resourceful and solar panels take up a lot of space so this camp has nuclear reactor. This is a radioisotope thermoelectric generator which works as follows: the generator uses an isotope (a highly unstable atom which has an equal number of protons but a few numbers of neutrons) such as Plutonium. This produces enormous heat as it decays. This heat energy is converted into electricity and if any excess heat is present it is taken out by radiator fins.

The air in the camp can be formed by a process called electrolysis which uses electricity to split hydrogen and oxygen from the water and the air can be used to breathe while the hydrogen is used as rocket fuel. By this process the crew can have air to breath. Nevertheless, caution is taken to mix pure oxygen with nitrogen since pure oxygen is extremely flammable.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Astronauts will wake up after 7 to 8 hours of good sleep. They fresh up and start their day with some exercise to maintain health in low gravity environment. They prepare good breakfast and eat it to gain energy to work. Next they wear their space suit and get ready for work. Their regular task is to check the oxygen, water, and waste levels. Then they will go for experimenting on the effects of low gravity and high radiation environment on various things such as plants, animals, material and themselves.

In the living quarters they have provision to take bath, have entertainment and some privacy to talk to their loved ones on Earth. Entertainment includes listening to music, watching music or playing some games with the fellow astronaut. The astronauts can command the satellites to capture high resolution images of the other parts of the moon.  The astronauts can unload cargo sent from earth and sort them. They are also responsible for the safety check up of the nuclear reactor carefully.

They will constantly monitor their health by balancing their nutritional demands. They will maintain a diary to write their routines and findings. At night they will sit together and have dinner. After this they will go to sleep.

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