
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: The real astronauts

Colegio Menesiano  Madrid    Spain 13

External link for 3d

Project description

We have created a moon camp that has a bubble that acts as a greenhouse to provide the oxygen that our astronaut will need.

In addition, in that camp we have also created specializeddrawers to be able to provide him with food and that he will never lack of course in addition to eating fruit and vegetables meat that will be designed by a cow that, based
on some medicines, we have managed to make it infinite, that is to say that it does not die then it will also eat meat
the only thing it will not eat is fish but we have carried out a study by injecting it with several vaccines where it is Add the substances you need to be able to go without eating fish and everything has gone as expected.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

On the Far side of the Moon

Why did you choose this location?

We choose this location because we think that is the most interesting one and also because it might be the farthest, and for us that’s a cool point! We’ve been searching on the different options to choose from and we had also search for images and that another reason why we choose it.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

First we organized the things we have to use, then we start to create the camp and we start saying a lot of ideas for the project. And the rest of sessions we still working at the project.

The materials we chosen were:

-carbon fiber

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We will organize the water in a way that reaches every day that it will be in the camp. We have also calculated what we have to carry with water knowing that it will also be used to water the plants and also to drink during the day.
We will have an area that will be more or less wide to fit all the water that we will carry. We will also have a fridge in case we need to keep the water cold.

In the “house” we had created a small recipe that house unlimited seems because every month we will renovate it from the earth because the sister is very modern and we can do it. This is just for fruit and vegetables. We had also created an unlimited cow because we like create that cow but we had review that this is healthy and yes it is!

Mainly the power will come from the solar panels that we have had built on the lunar camp. The radiation from the sun will collide with them and they will become nuclear energy which is what is going to give the power to our lunar camp. So, the sun is the principal source of power!

In our camp, we have a dome in which there is air inside so we can breathe in a wide place since there is no air outside.We also have an orchard in which inside we have cultivated plants; In this way there is more air because it renews.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

When he wakes up, he will go to check the vegetable and fruit plantation that he will have created later, he will put on the suit designed specifically for him and will go outside, that is, to descend from Mars where the only oxygen will be provided by the helmet that he wears in the equipment included.

Then he will return to the bubble, which is what provides him with oxygen, so that he can breathe.He will have breakfast, whatever he wants, he will do some pending tasks and when it is time to eat or when he is hungry,he will take the cow and eat meat/steak…

After eating, he will surely want to go to bed so he will take a little nap and then go out to do his homework so he has been assigned there.

When he is finished he will take a small shower, in the bathroom, that is in a part of the house we have built for him and he will have dinner,

Finally he would go to bed. And the end of the day!

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