
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Mission HÉCATE

École Secondaire Casavant  Saint-Hyacinthe    Canada 14   3 / 0

External link for 3d

Project description

Our projects name is Hecate mission (three faced goddess of the moon (crescent, full and waning) and minor deity of magic). It’s a rather minimalist space colonisation project. Our goal is to create the foundation for future larger and more ambitious lunar bases as well as experimenting on the moon in all kinds of different ways to better understand the environment.

Our base can house 3 astronauts at the same time, at a 4-month interval. The base is equipped with innovative technology such as a rover with mechanically changeable equipment, an automatic greenhouse allowing ideal conditions for plants and a green and renewable energy system. This base, although small, has all the equipment to better understand the moon and its secrets.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

Why did you choose this location?

We set up the base near the north pole in one of those big craters. The lunar poles are ideal for several reasons, the ice present can be melted into water and be used, the greater presence of the sun allows the solar panels to be supplied for longer (and solar energy is the main source of our base).

How do you plan to build your Mooncamp? Which materials will you use?

For our base we use lunar sand to transform into solid materials. For the construction, several 3d printer robots are sent upstream to build the base layer by layer. Then the base is covered with moon sand to protect it against radiation.


Water is a precious substance. Fortunately, we have a solution. In the base an innovative machine allows to transform the urine into water which allows an almost infinite recycling. Also, the poles of the moon are rich in ice and the rover is equipped with equipment allowing it to be broken and harvested, which allows an additional source of water.

The lunar base is equipped, as mentioned above, with an automatic greenhouse allowing the optimal growth of vegetables. Also, different shuttles come to restock the base (food, water, equipment, etc.) every 2 months.

The moon base is a very minimalist base which allows a low use of Energy. The base is equipped with solar panels which, thanks to the position of the base, have a lot of sun, which allows better electricity production.

The base is equipped with several huge tanks filled with air, which during refueling is replenished with fresh air. In addition, many algae tanks are present which create oxygen continuously which allows better safety.

The protection of the astronauts is very important; therefore, the dome is covered with lunar sand which protects against radiation, moreover if a wave of radiation takes place the astronauts will be immediately placed in water tanks for the protected any further. In addition, the materials used for the base are excellent insulators.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Our base will use UTC time, which is London time, the alarm clock takes place at 6 a.m., the astronauts have 30 min of morning hygiene and 30 min of breakfast. Then, they will discuss for 15 min the schedule of the day. That being the case, they perform a check-up of the

base for 30 min. Then exercise for an hour. They will then check the plants using cameras and prepare the experiments (gravity test, research on moon rocks, exploration with the rover, etc.). Then it’s time for dinner, during which they will talk about the upcoming experiments and the maintenance of the base with the earth by radio. From 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. is experience time, around 4 p.m. there is another hour of exercise. Then another check-up is done and if maintenance is needed it is done during the next hour. Around 6 p.m. dinner takes place, and the astronauts talk about their day. Then there is a free hour where the astronauts can talk to their family on earth. They do a final check-up and clean themself. And at 9:00 p.m. it’s their bedtime

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