
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2019-2020

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Moon Camp G2

Escola El Roure Gros  Santa Eulàlia de Riuprimer    Spain

External link for 3d

Project description

This is the moon camp.

The moon camp has a kitchen, a living room, a bedroom, a laboratory, a bathroom and outside there is a greenhouse.

There are 4 beds in total in the moon camp.

There is one sofa in the living room and a table with the four chairs.

There is a dishwasher and a refrigerator in the kitchen.

There is a shower and one toilet in the bathroom.

There is a gym. The gym has two running machines and two mats.

The Moon Camp has one laboratory with 2 tables and one chair. The laboratory has the air machine and the water machine. 

We would research, work and experiment with the things that we could find on the Moon.

We would send 3 rockets to go to the moon. The first one with the robots, so they could prepare the Moon Camp. The second one with all the necessary materials. The third one for the astronauts. The Moon Camp is ready for 4 people.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Shackleton crater

Why did you choose this location?

We would create the Moon Camp near Shackleton crater because in that way we would have more sunlight and we could have more energy. Moreover we could make the greenhouse. Therefore we will be close to the ice and get water.


We would get it from the ice in the craters.

From the greenhouse plants and we would bring vitamin B12.

From the Sun with solar panels.

We could get oxygen from the water to make air.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We will build it with lunar dust. A 3D printer that works with lunar dust will make blocks to build it. The robots will build the camp. 

The Moon environment is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

To protect ourselves from meteorites we would make a thicker roof. To protect ourselves from the cold and heat, we would use cork. We would use glass with sunscreens to protect ourselves from radiation.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

I would get up for breakfast. After this, I would go to the gym and then I will have a shower. I will take care of the Moon Camp. After a while I will go to lunch. After this, I will work: take care of the garden, get water, investigate the interior of the Moon, do some experiments with gravity. When I will have finished, I will get dinner. In the end I will go to sleep. 

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