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In the future, to enable astronauts to stay on the Moon for long periods of time, new infrastructures must be developed to overcome important challenges. Such challenges include protection from radiation and meteorites, energy production, the extraction and recycling of water, food production and much more. The Moon Camp Challenge invites students to explore the Moon and decode some of the complexities future astronauts may face.

In Moon Camp Discovery each team’s mission is to 3D design only one component of a Moon Camp using Tinkercad. Teams can choose to design a:

– Lunar lander

– Moon Base

– Lunar rover

– Rocket

– Lunar Orbital Space Station


The design should be adapted to the Moon environment and if possible consider the use of local resources, provide protection and/or living and working facilities for the astronauts.

Moon Camp Discovery is a non-competitive mission for beginners. All teams that submit an entry that complies with the guidelines will receive a participation certificate and their project will be shared on the Moon Camp online platform.


Who can participate?

Participation is open worldwide to students aged up to 19 years old. Moon Camp Discovery is recommended for students aged 6 to 14 years old. Participating students must be supported by a teacher, educator or parent.

Discovery Projects Gallery 2020-2021

Below you can find some of the Moon Camp Discovery projects. For more projects visit the Moon Camp Discovery project gallery.


Team: NAAL Space

Istanbul    Turkey Category: Moon base
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

introduction****=The project is called “life on the moon” in the later parts of the project; There will be sections about the purpose of the project , the problems in the month , the tools designed by our designers to address these problems and make life easier , and the features of these tools.
=Purpose of the Project: For now only place where we can live and enable this with its atmosphere and structure is Earth. Technology has developed as people discover and use information in detail. As a result , many problems have arisen that we still have not been able to solve. These include pollution of natural resources , global warming , climate change , mass problems , depletion of natural resources , excessive population growth before the virus and the virus that is still ongoing today.The excessive population growth in the world before the pandemic through “can we fit into the world ?”brought the question. Apart from that , people using natural resources endlessly and not taking the necessary precautions brought climate change along with global warming. Many such problems have shortened the life span of the Earth. Many such things have brought into the mind of human whether life on another planet would be possible. İn our project , we have produced solutions to the question of how life can be made possible on the Moon , the satellite of Earth. İn short , the aim of project is is life possible on the Moon ?

Problems on the Moon: The Moon is very different place from Earth in both atmosphere and structure. Therefore , certain problems must be resolved before providing life opportunities.

1 OXYGEN: The first and most important problem. Oxygen is a basic need for human life. İn addition , the body needs oxygen to produce energy.

2 TEMPERATURE: The standard temperature detected for the human body 37 degree Celsius. Daytime temperature can rise up to 120 degree Celsius in the Moon and down to -173 degree Celsius in the evening. The difference at the is so great that it does not allow human life. This is our second problem.

3 MAGNETİC FIELD: The magnetic field on the moon is 1/6 compared to the Earth. This situation will cause people to move a lot due to slowing down of their movements. As a result , there will be a lot of energy loss.

4 FUEL: Fuel; it is the name given to substances that emit heat and energy when physical and chemical changes occur in their structure. İn order to produce energy , fuels must be stored and used when necessary.

5 ENERGY: Energy is the building block of everything. İt is an important factor for people lives and poses a problem.

6 Water; By carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells , it provides the solids required for the cells to perform their functions in a healthy way. The balance of the muscles and the lubricity of the joints are provided by water. Water plays an important role in the removal of edema in the body. In other words , water is the sources of life for all living things, be it humans , plants and animals. Life without water is unthinkable.

7 Atmosphere; The atmosphere protects living things from the sun’s most harmful rays. Gases reflect or absorb the sun’s strongest rays. Makes weather events happen. Atmosphere is just one of the problems on the moon.

8 FOOD; It is a psychological , sociological and economic event as well as physiological. Nutrition, growth and development, maintenance of life, health protection, improvement and development, the nutrients must be available in sufficient quantities to increase the quality of life. Like water , the food source is also the source of life.

9 ACOMMODATION: Shelter is one of the basic needs of man such as food and water and it is impossible to stay on the moon without any shelter.

Warning; We should only remember that there will be a lot of shrinkage and expansion as there is a lot of temperature difference in the month , suitable metals should be used.





OXYGEN= there is %40-45 oxygen in the sand of moon. if we heat the sand of moon to 950 degree Celsius and electrolyze ıt by giving it electricity , we can obtain oxygen. Thanks to the Hose Heater machine , we can breathe oxygen from the part similar to the ventilation , above , after taking the sand in the moon into the machine.

TEMPERATURE= The temperature problem develops depending on the solution of the atmosphere problem. Since there is no atmosphere on the moon , the temperature difference is very high. İf the atmosphere problem is solved , the temperature difference will disappear and the temperature will be suitable for human life.

MAGNETİC FİELD= this problem is graphene can be resolved through. Graphene is the best conductor 300 times stronger than steel and has the properties of being a very flexible material. İn this way , people will move easy if people walking on the moon are placed under shoes and a magnet-like substance in one layer of the moon.

FUEL= Thanks to the variety of helium in the moon , this problem can be solved. Helium is decomposed and brought to power plants and separated by burning. Separated helium is stored in the tank and the rockets and others items are met when fuel is needed.

ENERGY=Since the sun rays and wind are high on the moon, energy will be obtained with solar panels and wind roses. The energy obtained will be stored and transmitted where needed.

Moon is frozen under or above ground water. Therefore, the refinery device used in the oil refinery will be used to extract the underground water. The water obtained will be sent to the facility where it will be separated and stored. The water needs of the greenhouse and astronauts will be met from here.

The atmospheric problem will be solved by satellite and radar equipment on the moon. While the satellite creates a magnetic protection, it will also resolve communication with the Earth. Since it will be a transparent shield, it will have reflection feature, so problems such as Wi-Fi will be solved.

Since the sand of the moon is unfavorable, a greenhouse will be created with the soil brought from the world. Next to the greenhouse, there will be an electric source to meet the need for heat and light, a water tube and an energy source in the spherical structure.

Events such as the transportation between the Moon and the Earth and the transportation of goods will be made by the rocket. There will be places where rockets will land on the moon.

ACOMMADATİON= Astronauts will stay in an area of ​​5 rooms, 4 small rooms and 1 large room, and their needs will be found here.


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