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In the future, to enable astronauts to stay on the Moon for long periods of time, new infrastructures must be developed to overcome important challenges. Such challenges include protection from radiation and meteorites, energy production, the extraction and recycling of water, food production and much more. The Moon Camp Challenge invites students to explore the Moon and decode some of the complexities future astronauts may face.

In Moon Camp Discovery each team’s mission is to 3D design only one component of a Moon Camp using Tinkercad. Teams can choose to design a:

– Lunar lander

– Moon Base

– Lunar rover

– Rocket

– Lunar Orbital Space Station


The design should be adapted to the Moon environment and if possible consider the use of local resources, provide protection and/or living and working facilities for the astronauts.

Moon Camp Discovery is a non-competitive mission for beginners. All teams that submit an entry that complies with the guidelines will receive a participation certificate and their project will be shared on the Moon Camp online platform.


Who can participate?

Participation is open worldwide to students aged up to 19 years old. Moon Camp Discovery is recommended for students aged 6 to 14 years old. Participating students must be supported by a teacher, educator or parent.

Discovery Projects Gallery 2020-2021

Below you can find some of the Moon Camp Discovery projects. For more projects visit the Moon Camp Discovery project gallery.


Team: Moon camp FELIX AND TONY

KunShan    China Category: Moon base

Project description



Moon base is the area where people live and work on the moon. Main purpose is to establish a moon base: better to carry out the scientific activities such as astronomical observation: a space station on the moon, for the use of the earth: the development of all kinds of mineral resources on the moon: objective to explore a foothold for further human: provide building materials for the spacecraft to travel to distant planets even propellant: human beings in the distant future colonial precursor to the moon. Landing spacecraft to the moon is already expensive, and building a lunar base would cost even more. So while a moon base is still in the general discussion stage, having a moon camp Building a moon base, like building a space city, is an incredible feat for ordinary people. But it’s a mystery that scientists have been working on for a long time and are now ready

The United States was the first country to decide to build a moon base ,please look at our moon camp




We use nuclear reactors and solar panels to generate electricity. We mine uranium ore on the moon as nuclear material. We store electricity in batteries to provide heating and electricity for everyday life. We use iron ore on the moon and moon soil to make the shell of a nuclear reactor.



We’ll use robots to find water ice on the moon, then purify it, and we’ll transport compressed water from Earth. We can drink water, raise fish, grow vegetables, bubble noodles, and take a bath.



We keep fish and vegetables, astronauts can eat vegetables and fish, and sometimes we transport meat, rice and cans from Earth.



We plant plants to purify the air A             moon base is the area where people live and work on the moon. Main purpose is to establish a moon base: better to carry out the scientific activities such as astronomical observation: a space station on the moon, for the use of the earth: the development of all kinds of mineral resources on the moon: objective to explore a foothold for further human: provide building materials for the spacecraft to travel to distant planets even propellant: human beings in the distant future colonial precursor to the moon. Landing spacecraft to the moon is already expensive, and building a lunar base would cost even more. So while a moon base is still in the general discussion stage, having a moon camp Building a moon base, like building a space city, is an incredible feat for ordinary people. But it’s a mystery that scientists have been working on for a long time and are now ready

The United States was the first country to decide to build a moon camp .

thank you .

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