discovery interactive image

Registrations are closed for Moon Camp @Home 2019-2020.

In a future not too far from now, astronauts will have to stay for long periods on the Moon. By participating in Moon Camp @Home you can help them by creating a 3D model of a research base where they can live and work to explore the lunar surface.

You can design a creative lunar base using Tinkercad and complete one of these challenges: design a lunar lander, a lunar rover, a rocket and a space station, or design a complete base on the Moon with astronauts quarters, a greenhouse, a gym, a laboratory and a power plant.

For more information consult the guidelines of Moon Camp @Home here.


@Home Gallery 2019-2020

Team: Metzi 2 – LMJ

Category: @home | Mexico City – Mexico |  15 to 16 years old 0

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

This design was made by us to be complete for astronauts, having astronaut quarters, a hydroponic farm, an antenna, solar panels, water extraction plants, oxygen production, a rover, a lab, and a rocket landing and launching platform. And even a park and a Medical wing. The material that we used are intelligent laminae that regulate the quantity of light and its properties, and it´s resistant to radiation and impacts.

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