discovery interactive image

Registrations are closed for Moon Camp @Home 2019-2020.

In a future not too far from now, astronauts will have to stay for long periods on the Moon. By participating in Moon Camp @Home you can help them by creating a 3D model of a research base where they can live and work to explore the lunar surface.

You can design a creative lunar base using Tinkercad and complete one of these challenges: design a lunar lander, a lunar rover, a rocket and a space station, or design a complete base on the Moon with astronauts quarters, a greenhouse, a gym, a laboratory and a power plant.

For more information consult the guidelines of Moon Camp @Home here.


@Home Gallery 2019-2020

Team: 7-People Space Shuttle

Category: @home | Vancouver – Canada |  9 to 10 years old 0

External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

“Space Travel Ticket

By Candice

The space shuttle is made of three main parts: the orbiter, the external tank, the solid rocket boosters. The orbiter part looks like an aeroplane, located in front of the other two parts. This shuttle is designed for your extraordinary vacation. It has 7-people capacity with 4 suites. The external tank is a large orange fuel tank, which is the biggest part of the rocket. The solid rocket boosters look like two thin rockets on both sides of the external tank, which provides the rocket the lift against Earth’s gravity. With the new technology, space shuttle can go with a speed of 17500 per hour. It is mostly made out of aluminium and aluminium composite, which are strong and lightweight compared to other spaceship material, though they are quite pricey. If you’d like to go on a trip to space, you can sign up ASAP first today because it’s so popular and limited.”

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