
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Lagun on the Moon

Primary School, S.Wyspiański Bibice  Krakow    Poland 14 or younger, 15, 16

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Project description

“Lagun on the moon” is a well-equipped moon station, prepared for approximately four astronauts. We are convinced that modern devices that we used and cleverly managed space will help inhabitants with an exploration of the Silver Globe. We tried our best to make our resolutions as close to bounds of possibility as it was possible. We put all of the rooms underground and covered them with domes, which are made out of melted regolith for extra security. Also, we wanted to keep the astronauts healthy. We know that due to the six times weaker gravitation than it is on Earth, it is hard to keep muscles in the right condition, so we decided to make a gym to keep participants in good shape. While working on the project, our team paid special attention to make all rooms connected with wide corridors, which improve the communication on the station. Also, we wanted our station to be made out of materials that are on the moon, not only the Earth’s ones. Using the technology of our devices, it’s simple to change the physical state of the regolith – which is a very common material on the moon.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We’re planning to build our moon camp inside of the Clavius crater, which is located near the southern pole on the highlands. In 2020 NASA has discovered water so it can be obtained from the regolith. The crater is located on the sunlit side of the moon so solar energy is also available there. Because our planned research is strictly connected with Helium-3 our camp needs to be there because the isotope has been created where the sun’s rays fall. We decided that the base should be near the southern pole because of the illumination and highlands so more solar energy can reach our panels.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Before the astronauts arrive, remote control robots will be sent to the moon to dig underground rooms and connecting them tunnels. Using heating plates, regolith will be heated and used to strengthen the construction. Using the same material a special robot will build domes on top of the excavations: melted regolith will be slowly poured along a circle whose radius will slowly decrease until the dome is closed. We would like to take as little of the materials off the ground as possible and that’s why the dropship, in which the astronauts will arrive, will also be used as a part of the camp, it will be a part of the main entrance. The decontamination room will be there. As the food growth chamber is a foil greenhouse it will be brought from the ground and placed on a metal rack by the crew. The spaceship will deliver all the equipment and materials necessary for nuclear fusion research.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The biggest threats on the Silver Globe are temperature which various from -135 degrees Celsius to 120 degrees Celsius; solar radiation, because the reflectivity of the moon surface is comparable to an open ocean’s on Earth; meteors, which don’t burn in the atmosphere. Thanks to the placement of the camp, which is near the south pole, the temperature’s range won’t be so big; inside the base, the temperature will be maintained optimally for humans. Solar radiation won’t be a threat to the crew, because most of the rooms are underground, so they will be covered. Domes made out of regolith and strong foundations will keep the astronauts safe from the meteor impact.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water on our station will come from the ESA recovery systems alongside NASA Aqua Factorem in case any of them broke down.
ESA urine processor assembly and ESA water processor assembly allow reducing water used by the astronauts.
Using NASA Aqua Factorem, extracting water from the regolith may help in reducing energy usage required in the process.
Because our moon camp will be located in the Clavius Crater where in October 2020 NASA’s SOFIA discovered water molecules’ presence. Special robot will
Two systems combined will reduce the risk of a water system failure and the amount of water that has to be delivered from the Earth.
To make sure that water is safe to drink astronauts will perform tests.

Food at the moon station will be grown and harvested by the astronauts in a special room covered with foil forming a dome. Beans will be grown in the Food growth chamber alongside the algae which will be taken from the Earth and reproduced in special water tanks. Both of them are a great source of protein and beans are also high in carbs and fiber. Algaes on the other hand, are very nutritious because of the content of the vitamins and nutrients. To maintain good health astronauts will also consume artificial food taken from the Earth, but only in addition to the ones above.

Power on our station will mostly come from the sun and the extra energy harvested during the day will be stocked and used during the night. Thanks to special heating plates solar energy will not only be used to power up the electrical supplies at the station but we will also make usage of the thermal energy. Another source will be a nuclear fusion reactor fueled by the Helium-3 which occurs on the moon.

The first part of air will be delivered from the Earth. The oxygen will be extracted during electrolysis of the regolith. The electrolysis will take place in a special metal box filled with calcium chloride. Regolith will be immersed in the solution and heated to almost 1000 degrees Celsius. Thanks to heating plates, it will be possible to focus solar rays and turn them into heat. Then a current will flow through the solution to the cathode from the anode where oxygen will accumulate. A special sucking pipe will distribute the oxygen evenly thru the ventilation.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

The main purpose of building our moon base is moon exploration, especially making research on nuclear fusion. On the moon, astronauts will be developing new methods of extracting helium 3 from the regolith to stabilize it for the potential of transporting it to Earth. Also, another reason is creating the area on the moon, to prepare for the exploration of other planets, e.g. Mars. This area will be a few hundred meters away from our base, where the astronauts could upgrade rockets that will fly from Earth. In this particular space, it will be possible to reconstruct some parts of rockets to make them adapted to specific planets and their atmospheres.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

To avoid leaving the camp unattended, the crew will be divided into three teams working eight hours shifts. Every group will sleep eight hours while two others are awake.

At the beginning of the day, the astronauts will have some free time for themselves, during which they can take care of their mental and physical hygiene in a special room. Right after that, they will eat their breakfast in the main room. Their first meal must be the highest in energy and nutrients because they need to have energy for their working shift. Next, after a fast cleanup ( making the bed, cleaning dishes) they will devote themselves to their assigned tasks, depending on which group they are in three teams:


This pair of the crew will take care of all camp. Their job is to look after oxygen levels in each part, work in the food-growth room or check the statistics. Also, they are responsible for writing daily reports for the Earth command center workers. 


They will do the hardest and most tiring job. Research on nuclear fusion is one of the main purposes of the “Lagun on the moon” existence. They will spend the most time working at the nuclear lab while doing research and writing analyses.


This group will do their best during their shift on the second part of our camp,  which is called “Rocket+“, where they will be working on improving rockets and preparing a port for launches to other planets and back to Earth if any material will be mined there. 

Working time for each group is 8 hours per day. It’s important to take 3 breaks after every two hours of work. The second break should be longer than the others, due to the lunchtime, which should take one hour. Our team decided to create as normal conditions as it’s possible, so each group will spend a lunch break and after-work time together with his/her partner. 

After their shift will come to an end, they will have some time to relax and have some time for themselves, for example, to talk to their family or read. Because of the weaker gravitation, they must train every day before dinner. Next, they will eat dinner and have time for before-sleep hygiene.

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