
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Marianistas Selenites

Marianistas Nuestra Señora del Pilar Jerez  Jerez de la Frontera    Spain 15

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Project description

Our moon camp is designed not only to be the camp of an expedition, but for the purpose of carrying out various agricultural experiments; focusing on those related to the wine of our land: the sherry wine. Our objective is to see the viability of creating a culture or strain of palomino wine on the moon; being able to create a lunar wine culture in addition to studying the oenological characteristics of the wine

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

We have decided that the best place to place our lunar base is on top of Shackleton Crater, since, due to its low temperature, its functions as a cold trap that can capture and freeze substances dropped during aerolite impacts on the Moon. 

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

When our ship arrives to the Shackleton crater, it will unfold a large “dome form” tent made of triangular shapes of carbon fiber in order to increase its endurance and to maintain its strenght. This tent will serve as the astronauts´s first week home. Having already unfolded it, a 3d printer will start to bury this dome using lunar concrete and saltwater brought from the Earth with the purpose of stopping solar radiation, which is very dangerous.  In addition, the lunar concrete will reduce the temperature of the interior part of the tent. After having done this process, the astronauts will dig a tunnel with ESA´s PROSPECT excavator. At the end of this tunnel we will build all the necessary facilities for astronauts and wine cultivation, like the cafetería, the bedrooms, the gym or the wine cellar with materials brought from previous lunar expeditions inside a lava tunnel. 

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

There are many factors that affect the safety of the astronauts. For this reason, our camp will be protected from micrometeorites and solar radiation because our base will be built underground. This not only solves the problem of radiation and meteorites, but it is also much cheaper than building a dome on the surface. Inside the base, we will install an air circulation system to control the pressure levels and to warn the astronauts well in advance so that nothing serious happens. In addition, the lunar floor is a heat sink, so this system will also have to regulate the temperature. Finally, we will install the necessary machinery in a room for the astronauts to do a daily exercise routine so that they do not end up with damaged bone and muscle systems. 

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

In order to obtain water, we Will use the robot RAZZOR. The robot of the NASA will take water from the underground deposits of ice. The robot is able to take 700 Kg of regolith, although its weight capacity is variable. Its depth of excavation is one meter, and for each trip it can carry a maximum of 18 kg. In the the case of a traction loss, RASSOR can rise up on its arms and roll on the bucket drums, then lower itself and resume its mission.

The food will be made by a 3D printer. We would take capsules, with the food already prepared. Each capsule can be personalized and adaptable. This will allow us to include some vitamines or nutrients for different people depending on their needs, and we could design a diet for each one that can provide them what they really need. Inside each capsule there will be a pure of algae or fruit. These pures will pass through a process of product formulation, so it will take longer for the food to spoil. The 3D printer has a very easy functioning and is easy to handle, we only have to take the capsules we need, put them inside the printer and let it prepare the meal. Also the capsules will be put in a freezer to preserve them longer, depending on the food they will last between 6 and 12 months.

We will produce energy by two ways. There will be solar panels in the southern part of the moon, next to our camp. Moreover, the energy collected in the batteries of the panels will go through a cable that goes to an inverter, and there the energy will change into electricity that can be used for daily labours. Another way of obtaining electricity will be electrolysis. This will be our main generator of energy and works with electric power (of the power plant) an anode and a cathode. This separates the hydrogen and the oxygen of the water and then these gases are stored in a battery of hydrogen which can be used to join and produce water.

It has been recently discovered that the 22% of the crater Shackleton is ice, where our camp is located. It is easier to extract lunar water by lunar mining, so with excavators we will extract it once we have set up the base, and we will turn it into drinking water. In case we need some time to install the machines, we have other options. The moon surface is full of lunar dust, which contains 40/45% of oxygen. The electrolysis of melted salts is a process in which you can extract the different components of it. This process is still been studying, but actually there is a prototype that can extract the 96% of oxygen in each molecule, and also extract some metal, which can also be useful. In addition, we will use a ventilation system to recycle the oxygen in the spacecraft.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

Our Moon Camp is designed not only to be the camp of an expedition, but for the purpose of carrying out various agricultural experiments; focusing on those related to the wine of our land: the sherry wine. Our objective is to see the viability of creating a culture or strain of palomino wine on the moon; being able to create a lunar wine culture in addition to studying the oenological characteristics of the wine 

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Astronauts are going to do basic things, such as eat, three times a day, the capsules with the food are going to provide all nutrients needed to mantain their health and personal hygiene. Have some free time, when they can relax, and do some activities apart from the work. Also they have to do exercice every day, at least 1 hour so they stay in shape and lose the slightest muscle mass as posible, for this they are going to do mostly exercise with dumbbells or strength activity, sleep 8 hours a day so they are going to be able to be rested and more capable to concentrate in their job, this hours of sleep must be counted and alarmed becouse the hours of light and darkness are not the same as in the Earth. Something really important is to take care of the maintenance of the spacecraft, like the obtaining of oxygen and water or the cleaning of everything, and make sure everything is in good condition and everything is working as it should. Another important thing is to take care of their mental health, becouse being apart from their normal life in the Earth with their relates can be hard, making sure they rest when they have to, they talk and interact with each others and providing psychological help if they need it. They are going to do tasks and work, in our case, we are going to observe the growth and adaptation in the Moon of a plantation of palomino grape. Creating vine’s shoot where the grape is going to come from, passed the time of growging our grapevine and once it is ready, next they are going to make the grape harvest, after the process and the obtaining of grape juice, the wine is going to get old with a “criaderas” and “soleras” system. This system consist on, three levels of wine casks, while the grape juice is fermenting, when some wine is removed to be consume, it is refill with more grape juice and it mixed with the other ones. Only the oldest wine in the last level is preapered to be consumed and distributed, so it is a long process. Also, they are going to have some wine alredy done, to see how it react, and if it has some changes, aparently or chemicaly, in a different atmosphere.

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