
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Regeneration Sara Maria Abia e Francesco

liceoTemistocle Calzecchi Onesti  Fermo    Italy 16

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Project description

Our camp is a practical and secure base for our crew. The base will assume radial form, connecting a central structure to four others through cylindrical arms. The central structure will be the largest, and the communal living space for the crew. The remaining four will be located below the lunar surface, and will be interconnected by subterranean corridors. These four structures will host the laboratories and as well as other essential systems for the base’s functioning. The camp will also be equipped with an antenna, and a drill which will be used for excavation. 

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?


The ideal location for the base’s construction will be a crater located in the South Lunar Pole with a diameter inferior to 10km. The South Lunar Pole is the most hospitable environment on the moon for humans, primarily due to its climate. It has the greatest exposure to the sun’s light, providing a reliable energy source, and does not experience the extreme temperatures which characterise the equatorial latitudes. Moreover, frozen water can be found in some craters located in the southern pole, which after depuration could be instrumental to the functioning and sustenance of the base. This location will also enable the unique astronomical observation of radio waves. Additionally, this surface of the moon is rich in minerals, which are suitable for analysis and can be utilized as energy sources. 


How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Our camp will be constructed by excavating four corridors in the lunar crater. The central base will be on the surface of the crater, and will be connected by subterranean galleries to the other four sections, which will be located underneath the surface.  Initially, rovers will be sent from Earth to excavate the tunnels, the astronauts will assemble the panels for the rooms and the tunnels. Diggers will proceed to cover the entirety of the structure in a stata of regolith created by a 3D printer. Regolith, is a lunar dust. This material has been shown to be an ideal isolator against cosmic radiations. The base will be equipped with a 3D printer, powered by solar energy, which will print isolating bricks using this material. 

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

The project is designed to support and protect the astronauts, thus the laboratories will be located under the lunar surface, to protect the crew from cosmic radiations wind and micrometeorites. The central structure which will be above surface will be covered in a layer of rigolite

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

The camp will provide water to the astronauts through waste-water recycling systems and through hydrolysis technologies which will derive water from the air. Additionally, there will be pumps fitted with depuration systems to render the frozen water found on the lunar surface potable.

Food will be produced in hydroponic tanks. The astronauts’ diets will be composed of produce which render high yields in hydroponic horticultures; these will be primarily pulses such as chickpeas and beans but will also include lettuce, arugula and rice. The water used for hydroponic horticulture will be harvested from the crater. The crew will also sustain themselves on insects such as larvas and caterpillars which will be cultivated in designated trays.

Solar energy will be the primary source of power. It will be captured by numerous photovoltaic panels located on the surface of the moon. Additionally, our analysis suggests the need for a secondary source of energy, thus the solar panels will be complemented by hydrogen fuel cells.

Air for the base will be obtained through the process of electrolysis of water. Each room in the base will be fitted with an Oxygen Generation System for this purpose. To supplement the air support we will extract oxygen from the surface of the moon through a process of fused salt electrolysis.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

The aim of our camp is to study the moon, its surface and see how humans can adapt to live on it. The Camp will be a base for future human interplanetary explorations, and serve as a jumping board to Mars and even other solar systems. 

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

The crew will include four Doctors. Specifically: a medic, an astrogeologist, a biologist and an engineer. Their day will be divided in three separate eight-hour shifts. The crew  will be awake for sixteen hours and will sleep for eight. Two people will be asleep, so that in the eventuality of a system failure there will be two people ready to intervene instantaneously. After their allocated eight hours of sleep the astronauts will have thirty minutes for their personal hygiene needs and breakfast. Their first activity will be to tend to the plants for two hours, which will be followed by a two hours period in the laboratory, and two hours of work to ensure the maintenance and functioning of the base. After a lunch break they will work on the cleaning and maintenance of the water recycling systems. The camp’s routine will be designed to safeguard the crew’s mental and physical wellbeing.  At the end of their work day they will have a mandatory one hour session with a psychotherapist, followed by a three hour training in the gym to ensure they do not lose muscle mass. The day will end with dinner, after which they will be encouraged to connect with their friends and family on earth

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