
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Pathfinders

Publiczne Liceum Ogólnokształcące Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego w Łodzi im. Sprawiedliwych wśród Narodów Świata  Łódź    Poland 16, 15

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Project description

Our mooncamp is self-sustainable colony on the moon for 9 residents. It will be composed of ten rooms: command room – it includes computers, servers, bedroom with some cupboards, toilet, kitchen that will have a table with chairs for people to sit on, pantry, so we can store our food, algae plantation and thanks to that, we will be able to have enough food for all of our crew, laboratory, medical room in case anyone on the station gets injured, rover garage and gym, so our workers can stay fit and healthy. There will be also a rocket shed as well as a place with solar panels under a glass cupola. Our mooncamp will be also provided with an aerial connected with the command room. Besides, we will have an auger bit and a big metal tank, so we can supply the station with water. On top of that, we will be able to use a rover and a car. What’s also important to add, after a bit of time, our mooncamp will be practically self-sufficient. The water will be recycled so after we mine it, the lack of it won’t be a problem. With our algea plantation, we will be able to provide ourselves with food.
The crew of our station will be composed of nine people, two geologists, a biochemist taking care of the food, a scientist, a leader, an astronomy engineer, a medic and two labourers.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

The base is in the south of the moon. There are many craters there with large water resources. Knowing that the base is self-sustaining a fair amount of water is needed. To the north and northeast of the basin is an extensive upland, probably formed by rock material ejected at the formation of the crater. This south pole crater has a diameter of 2500 km. The terrain is favorable for the construction of a space base. The surrounding area is ideal for geological research on the site. it’s easier to do research and observation on this part of the moon.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

At first, the group of astronauts crew – 1 will land on the moon. They will reconnoitre the area and prepare ground for building the base. They will also designate the drop zone for cargo with parts of a station, tools and materials. Than unmanned spacecrafts will drop packages with supplies on the moon surface needed to build a lunar complex. After that the group of engineers will land on the moon and unpack dropped cargo an start to assemble the lunar complex. In the meantime they will use their lander as a home and they will recharge their oxygen level with small oxygen station which will be taken from dropped supplies, so they will not have to stop working. From time to time previous group of engineers will go back to earth and they will be replaced with new crew until the finish the base. Lunar rovers also will be ready and easy to assemble. Walls from the main part of the base will be made from Kevlar and aluminium so they will be resistant to strong impacts and light. They will also have two layers. There will be ice between them to prevent cosmic radiation. Floor will be made from caoutchouc so it will be durable and it will not let air through.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Environment on the moon is dangerous. We will implement a few solutions to protect astronauts. Our base will be hermetically sealed in modules where astronauts will stay. If they need to go outside, they will wear technically advanced spacesuits with display on the forearm. It will give the newest data about health condition of the astronauts (they will have electrodes attached to their body) and technical condition of the suit. Secondly, in the walls of the main part of the base, there will be a small partition for frozen water. That will be the kind of a cosmic radiation shield. Thirdly, in connectors between our base modules, there will be an airlock thanks to which we can dechermetise a given section of the base in case of fire. We will also have a lot of sensors around the base which are sending data to the main computer about base condition.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

According to a report published by NASA, there is water in the form of ice the moon. It’s on the shadowed part, on the south pole. Because our mooncamp is located at the south part of the moon, it will be quite easy to transfer.We will mine it with a help of auger bit. Next, we’ll put it in a metal tank and let it melt under the influence of sunlight. Then, it will be transported to our mooncamp with pipes. The whole irrigation system will be underground.We will be recycling our water the same way as it happens on other space stations. Dirty water will be cleaned and then we’ll be able to reuse it.

For the first few weeks, astronauts will eat food brought from Earth. Then they can start implementing food grown in the mooncamp to their diet. When all the farms start working optimally, the mooncamp will be nearly self-sustaining.

Mealworms (Tenebrio Molitor larvae) are a great source of protein and grow very fast. Astronauts will eat them as an alternative to meat.

Algae are a great, fast-growing food source as well. Astronauts will mainly eat Spirulina, but they can grow a few different species for various tastes and nutrients.

Astronauts will also grow various plants in hydroponic bays for a diverse and tasty diet. We will use special, red LED lights which help the plants to grow faster and bigger.

There will be a 3D food printer. It will allow astronauts to make aesthetically pleasing dishes and plant or mealworm based meat imitation. Good food is critical to keep people happy.

Our main source of energy are going to be five mini nuclear reactors. They will provide 50kW/h and they will charge the whole station except water extraction system which is going to be charged by our reserve energy system which includes 13 photovoltaic panels protected for mini meteorites and dust by glass dome. Rovers and cars are going to be powered by fuel cells which consumes hydrogen and oxygen. We will also have the emergency accumulator that will last for 2 days in case of general power failure.

We are going to get oxygen from our plantations. We are also going to perform electrolysis to have oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for rocket fuel. We also plan to take some clean air from the ground and build a CO2 filter.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

For now, the main purpose of our mooncamp will be scientific, conducting research on the moon, studying it’s geology and sampling the surface. However our base has got the potential for expansion so in the future it can be also used as an transfer base to Mars. Transfer base is a good solution because we don’t have to use engines customized to be used in dense atmosphere. It will allow us to build less stages and load more cargo to the rocket so one fight will be more profitable.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

The nine astronauts will be divided into groups worked in two shifts so that in case of emergency, someone is awake at all times. Their days will resemble 24 earth days as much as possible.
After the astronauts wake up, they will eat breakfast and get ready for the day. Then they will communicate with Earth and divide the tasks or set goals. Next, they will have the first shift. Work includes tasks like taking care of plants, maintenance of robots and camp or fixing equipment. Sometimes they will go on expeditions to collect rocks and dust, analyze the moon surface or atmosphere. Then they will eat dinner and have an hour of rest. After that, they will have a second shift. Most tasks will be the same as in first, but they will also analyze samples if they go on an expedition earlier that day. Next, they will eat supper and have a meeting to talk about the day. After they are done with all their duties they will have free time. They can read, go to the gym, play games or just talk. Then they will go to sleep. By the time they are in beds, the second group will be already starting their first shift. The moon camp will be always busy.

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