
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Khoeli

Institut d’Altafulla  Altafulla    Spain 15, 16

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Project description

This camp is designed to be the first moon camp, for scientific, biological and structural purposes. The camp will have several sections, such as dormitories, laboratory, common room, etc.

The project aims to create a sustainable base to the environment of the Moon, study its surface in detail and find new useful materials.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

The south pole of the moon is the perfect place to create a lunar base, since it has sun the  90% of the year, on the surface of the craters there is ice that can be used to get water, the temperatures at the south pole aren’t very extreme, with an average of -60º centigrades

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Selected Metal: Silicon(Probably), We will also use the regolith that we find in the lunar soil, astronaut urine (urea + calcium) to create lunar concrete.

Design: The structure consists of a series of prefabricated domes brought in mountable parts from the Earth. Vehicles, as well as tanks (of water, oxygen, etc.), and solar panels will be transported from the earth in parts.

For any repair, a specialized workshop (with all the tools that are needed) will be used.

We will use 3D printers for the construction

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

Our lunar camp will have the protection of two layers of a crystal designed to cancel the effect of solar radiation and will also be resistant to small meteorites, the glass domes will help astronauts not lose melanin during their stay in the camp, This will also help the plants to develop in a more natural way than with artificial light.

The small domes will have a function that will serve to turn the crystals into opaque crystals through a switch

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

The water will be mainly extracted from the lunar ice located on the surface of the craters of the south pole, through an electrolysis process to get rid of the toxic components.
Also a filtering process
An alternative option to get water will be the urine of the astronauts

The feeding of our astronauts, for one or two months, will be based on spacial food, until the hydroponic plantation grows.
We will have a dome for hydroponic plantations
In this dome there will be a small wheat plantation to make flour, with it you could make bread or other meals.

Energy can also be obtained by combining hydrogen molecules with oxygen molecules, basically rocket fuel.
The obtaining of energy for the base will be solar energy since in the south pole the sun is present the 90% of the year, as a secondary source rocket fuel will be used, which comes to be combustion between O2 and H2, and nuclear energy would be used as an emergency source, as long as there is no other way out.
Batteries will be used to store solar energy as well as to use the lunar rover.

During the first days of stay on the lunar surface, compressed oxygen from the earth will be used, a Mars Oxygen ISRU Experiment (MOXIE) will be carried with the aim of storing oxygen in case of emergency, once the base is settled, oxygen can begin to be extracted from moondust through the process of molten salt electrolysis, after a month the plants will also contribute a small amount of oxygen.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

This Moon Camp is designed to be the first moon camp, with scientific, biological and structural purposes.

Our team has ruled out commercial and tourist proposals because for the moment and in the near future they are not viable

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Due to the different living conditions between the Moon and the Earth, astronauts will have to adapt to their environment and they will have to have fixed rotations. Work rotations will be of at least 8 hours and will be done in pairs as long as each member of the crew has their time for rest and relaxation. During working hours they will have to check the different parts of the base so that everything runs its course in perfect condition, investigate different components of the moon, extract water from the lunar soil, make observations of possible dangerous celestial bodies. Once the shift is over, the crew members will have to comply with a minimum of daily exercise so that the variation in gravity does not affect their muscles and bones, they will be able to read books, learn to do different things, there will also be the possibility of being able to contact with land through a satellite call or just sleep.

During each day there will be a time where everyone will meet in the common room for the purpose of reporting problems and socializing with each other. The food consists of vegetables, fruit, space food, and bread.

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