
Moon Camp Pioneers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Pioneers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Fusion 360. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Project Eclipse

Nower Hill School  London    United Kingdom 15, 14 or younger

External viewer for 3d project

Project description

Here at Project Eclipse, we aim at creating an efficient moon base designed specifically to aid astronauts during their mission. This base is designed to support astronauts during their first arrival. We have considered the harsh environment of the moon and decided to construct a base fully adapted to its freezing temperatures and lifeless surface. As a team, we have tried our best to construct a realistic base that offers astronauts the same facilities which are available on earth, whilst making their stay as comfortable as possible. We believe that the human race can go far and reach heights it has never reached before. We believe in greatness, a new, bright future for mankind. This is project eclipse.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Project eclipse plans to situate our moon camp on the ridges of the crater Tycho. Tycho is located near the Moon’s poles. Sheets of ice can also be found near the Moon’s and so building Camp Tycho inside a crater makes it easy to access essential resources. Tycho is one of the Moon’s largest craters and so it allows us to cover vast areas of the lunar surface. Using the latest technologies infused in our one-of-a-kind rovers, we can take lunar exploration to the next level. However, the outer regions of Tycho are just as adventurous as the crater itself. This is why we have designed the next generation of lunar manned rovers to help us analyse lunar rocks on the go.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe the techniques and materials you would use.

Most of the main materials used to start the moon camp will arrive in a cargo rocket. All frames and essential resources will be effectively placed into the rocket to minimise the number of journeys needed. The main hallways will be constructed from an aluminium frame encased in a concrete made from lunar material. Aluminium is light yet strong, this means that we will have more weight to spare for other resources. As well as this, the main domes will also be made out of lunar concrete and an aluminium frame. This allows us to create a resourceful habitat for our astronauts to stay in. Resources such as ice and lunar soil will be drilled up by our advanced drill system. We chose to use tubular shapes and domes as they can easily be stacked on top of one another and can fit perfectly into the cargo rocket. Main components like computers, solar panels and servers will have to be transported from earth.

The environment on the Moon is very dangerous for the astronauts. Explain how your Moon Camp will protect them.

We have designed many security features to implement in our moon camp. One of them being airlocks. These will help keep our astronauts safe from the vacuum of space. We have also designed a high-tech manned rover for exploration trips. Packed with a mobile lab, research centre and communications bay, the eclipse explorer is guaranteed to protect the astronauts and any journey they go on. Our new tire design makes it easy for the rover to climb over any surface. Our 6-motor design gives it all the traction and power for an effortless ride. Combined with special shocks adapted to keep the vehicle level at all times, despite the Moon’s harsh terrain. But that’s not all, lead lined walls keep astronauts protected from the sun’s harmful radiation.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

As mentioned before, our specialised ice drill can extract enough ice to then be melted and distilled into drinking water. Our distillation chambers have been specially fine tuned to produce the finest of water not only for drinking but also to grow crops.

Advanced hydroponics systems allow for efficient crop growing. A variety of crops can be grown using this technique, which means it covers all the dietary requirements our astronauts need. This system works by providing roots with all the minerals they need as well as the minimum amount of water required for them to thrive.

Our newly developed photovoltaic cells are nearly 95% efficient. Mounted with lower powered motors, they can change the direction they face to maximize the time spent absorbing light. Our solar panels also make use of the Moon’s synchronous orbit, which keeps our camp powered non-stop.

Extracted ice can be turned into hydrogen for rocket fuel and oxygen for breathing. Our newly developed electrolysis chambers allow for more efficient oxygen production. We have devised a new technique to extract oxygen from lunar regolith combined with naturally occurring calcium chloride. This process is renewable and not to mention, the resources are readily available.

Explain what would be the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example: commercial, scientific, and/or tourist purposes).

Our purpose on the moon is to investigate its properties to fully understand it before adding civilian life. Our many scientific rovers and highly trained astronauts will sample the moon’s regolith (soil) and see the history and the possible future of the moon .With advanced lunar surface mapping technologies mounted on to our ‘Sherlock rover’, we believe that we, as a human race, can explore past our imaginations and strive for excellence.

Describe a day on the Moon for your Moon Camp astronaut crew.

Each astronaut specialises in their own fields. Some are medics, some are mechanics, some are geologists. Our Moon camp can provide residents for up to 8 people. Each must have their own specialised roles. A day on the moon begins with astronauts attending their own routines. Some will work on feeding the crew while the others will work on taking readings of vitals and checking the operations of the camp. Once the crew has been fed, they will all have their own allocated time to wash themselves with reusable wipes. During this time, those who are not cleansing themselves will carry out their daily tasks. The team will have at least 2 mechanics who are in charge of the rovers. One will perform check-ups on the Eclipse Explorer, the manned rover, while the other will perform routine checks on the 3 research rovers, the ‘Sherlock rovers’. There will be 2 medics who will log everyone’s vitals to ensure they are fit and healthy while the plant specialist will monitor and regulate plant growth. It is important that crops are grown on time so that there is a regular supply of food. IT technicians will also be on board the crew and will ensure that servers are up and that communications are secure. An electrician will also perform checks on the power supply and electronics on the camp. Halfway through everyone’s routine, they will take a lunch break and then get back to their jobs. The plant specialist is also in charge of catering for the crew. After all the tasks are done for the day, everyone will have 3 hours to eat, clean and relax before setting off to sleep in their own sleep pod. On some days, the crew will embark on a journey and will use the Eclipse Explorer to venture the lunar surface. The manned rover comes equipped with all the essentials, communications, solar panels, a med bay, food storage and a portable toilet. It is also a mobile lab, meaning research can be conducted on the go.

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