
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Lunar Rover

Team: Atharava Ananad Pathak

Category: Lunar rover | UAE |  United Arab Emirates |  1 |  6 years old and younger
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

Moon Rover:

The moon rover is designed to travel on all terrains on the moon and all-weather conditions. The moon rover is powered by batteries which are recharged by multiple solar panels which are placed behind the oxygen tank. The oxygen tank releases oxygen and acts as an AC in the pressurized cabin which includes 2 seats, an antenna and a camera. The rover also has spare tires at the back if in the unlikely case of a tire puncher the astronauts can easily replace the tire. There are also spare parts on the back of the rover which will help if any repair is required. The main purpose of this rover is to provide transportation for the astronauts in the moon base.





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