
Moon Camp Discovery 2021-2022 Project Gallery

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Lunar Rover

Team: Abraham

Category: Lunar rover | Seville |  Spain |  1 |  10 years old
External link for Tinkercad 3D design

Project description

my aerospace rover is programmed to collect things from mars such as alien blood challenges, stones or bullets from alien weapons, he has solar panels to have a lot of energy and an antenna to be able to communicate with the earth and from the earth to be able to control it is quite effective and it works well and is very agile and is very cool.

Original Text:
mi robert aereoespacial esta programado para recoger cosas de marte como retos de sangre de alien piedras o balas de armas de alienigenas tiene placas solares para tener mucha energia y una antena para poder comunicarse con la tierra y desde la tierra poder controlarlo es bastante efectivo y funcione bien y es muy agil y esta muy chulo.

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