
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: EA Team

Jack Miner Public School  Whitby    Canada 10

External link for 3d

Project description

We named our camp, Camp Hope. (a.k.a. C.H.) We named it this specific name for the moon camp because IF our camp wins first place, people will have to realize that if you have hope that you will accomplish that task! There will be hope of humans living on the moon, and maybe even on mars!  


We also want roughly 10 astronauts on the moon living in Camp Hope. That is because we will need a large greenhouse, and a lot of materials will be needed to be transported to the moon. 

The crew compliment which needs to be filled is, a botanist, a doctor, a space pilot, an engineer, a miner, space architect and construction expert, a mechanic, a geologist, and a topographer. We will be studying rocks and the atmosphere of the moon. 

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Lunar lava tubes

Why did you choose this location?

We will make Camp Hope inside one of the bigger lava tubes. We chose this location because we could make rovers that travel short distances to give us some water from the lunar poles. We also liked the temperature in this location, and the protection from the lava tubes. The sun will shine 2 weeks and there will be another 2 weeks with no sun. we could use those 2 weeks to get some for the plants and energy to charge our batteries. 

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

We will use giant 3d printers that print metal and moon soil packed VERY tightly. The camp will be underground, so we have protection from the meteors even if they hit the lava tubes. We chose the metal to be Chromium and steel together because just Chromium is very, very, strong but, Chromium with steel together makes it stronger than just Chromium. And, instead of letting the oxygen in the airlock out, there will be an air sucker thingy connected to the inside so it can suck the remaining air between the airlocks.  


Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We will have 4-6 rovers going short distances at a time.

The rover that gets the water will have heaters on the bottom to melt the ice and turn it into water. Then they will suck the water into a container. The container will have a tube that transports the water to the other rover’s containers. All rovers will have those. Also, all the rovers will have Many solar panels to get energy. Also, they all will have heating systems in the containers.

For food, Camp Hope will have one large green house in the middle of the bottom layer of Camp Hope. The green house connects to all the other bases, so they can breathe well. There will be Mung beans, red clovers, radishes, broccolis, and tomatoes. We will take one year worth of fertilized soil and use compost for the next year. We also have fish because we are going to use Aquaponics for the plants and fish.

First, for the green house, we have extra batteries. But the batteries will run out. So, we will charge the batteries while using other batteries. We will charge batteries by using solar panels. Because the green house is in the ground, we would need to use the batteries while charging. So, we will have 3 groups of 14 batteries. So, we could use 1 battery every day. That would give use another 14 batteries for the lights in the camp.

Air is related to the green house too. The plants will provide air for the astronauts, and they will have an extra house plant in their rooms. If there are 2 astronauts in one room, there will be 2 house plants in that room. We will also bring some oxygen from earth in tanks just in case. We could also use the batteries to make fire and take the moon soil to take the oxygen from it. We will also use water electrolysis.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

Every day they will wake up to the sound of the main captain’s voice on the speakers at about 6:30 a.m. Then, they will go to the showers and shower. Once they are done, they will go to the dressing rooms to get changed, after they do that, they will head to the gym and they will have the option of either using the treadmill or the 160 weights. Our astronauts will need to exercise for about 2 hours. Then they will go to the greenhouse and pick the sprout plants. They will leave some of them to produce more sprout plants. Once they are done eating, they will all go to their stations, (Ex. The space architects will suit up and go check out the huge 3D Printer to see if it is doing okay. Etc.)  At 3:15 p.m., the astronauts will take a 2-hour break in the break room, and eat lunch, at 5:15 p.m., the astronauts will have to clean the whole moon camp just in case there are any diseases. They will continue working from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and then they will have dinner and they will finally go to sleep, and the same process will repeat again. 

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