
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.



External link for 3d

Project description

We are located in an aerial view and at the top of our work, to begin we see 2 lunar bases covered in a dome, if we approach one of them we see that there is a central dome and four at the corners joined by roads or tunnels with doors to each of them without letting the air that we have escape, in the central dome we find a small living room and then in the two domes we find 2 single beds, in another of these domes there is a kitchen and in the last one we have a laboratory chemical, as this base there is one more, if we look again in the aerial view we have 2 individual large capsules, if we press the first and enlarge we find a greenhouse where we have cultivated resources for our astronauts, if we return to the aerial view and go to the Another individual dome and we expand we see a pool to exercise on the moon, all these small bases are linked by tunnels that go from one to another so that they do not let the air out. And outside of these bases we have two objects; a lunar Robert in which we can move to investigate and transport, and the other is a rocket that will serve us to return to Earth.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

Close to the lunar poles

because in the lunar poles are sun all the moment because we need ligth and energy, and are ice, with ice we can get water

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

In our camp, in order to get and build a house in the place we want, with the lunar rover we can go to collect lunar materials, we can bring a 3D printer, in which we print pieces with it and be able to make all the necessary pieces.

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

We get the water from the poles. We extract the ice that goes to a tank where it is transformed into liquid water by means of radiators that absorb the energy released.

In our moon camp in one of the cupola there in greenhouse. There we have grown plants to have food. We have harvest enough for six astronaut for a week. But if it is fourteen days of sun and fourteen days of sun and fourteen days of night, we have to put a spotlight. This spotlight gives light enought to grow during fourteen days of night. We have to bring to the earth: seed, fertilancer and soil to grow

With the solar panels that we have at the base and at the poles, electrical energy is obtained that is stoned in a portable battery that as we are getting it and serves as energy for the fourteen days and we transport with the lunar rover so that it reaches our camp.

Work with get air: In a moon ins´t atmosfere and air go out about windows and door, when you open the door and windows all the air go out. the doors need mecanism for two doors. when you get more air you needs plants 8m(2) for person, in my base moon are five person, we need 40m(2) for person

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

On the moon we start the day on the right foot, preparing a healthy breakfast with our own food grown in the greenhouse, then from the lunar base where we are located we go to the gym where the pool is to do a little sport, then From that, from the gym we go back to our lunar base to go to the laboratory where we investigate and study everything that happens on the moon, after investigating we go to the greenhouse to sow and collect what is sown from the food we grow for later eat them. Then, from the greenhouse we go to the living room that is inside the lunar base covered by a dome, to be able to relax and watch a little television and then go to bed and do the same tomorrow.

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