Moon Constitution – How would a future lunar community be organised?
Brief description: In this resource, pupils will debate some organisational and social characteristics of a...
Mid-year online event with a space expert organised by ESA
Final online event with an astronaut organised by ESA
Team name | School | City | Category |
Moon explorers – Esploratori della Luna (Classe 5^ A) |
Primaria C. Plasio – IC Cremona Uno |
Cremona |
Arts & CraftsRobotics
Mini Astronauti |
Scuola dell’Infanzia “M.Perazzo” |
Olcenengo (VC) |
Arts & CraftsRobotics
3BLS |
IIS “A. Badoni” |
Lecco |
3D Design
Giacomo A., Tommaso C., Matilde D., Lodovica D. e David S. |
Scuola Santa Giovanna d’Arco |
Vittorio Veneto |
Arts & Crafts
Giovanni A., Vittoria C., Viktor C., Ethan S., Tommaso S. |
Scuola Santa Giovanna d’Arco |
Vittorio Veneto |
Arts & CraftsOther
Niccolò A., Saneera C., Sara M., Cecilia S., Damiano T., Nicola T. |
Scuola Santa Giovanna d’Arco |
Vittorio Veneto |
Arts & Crafts
Giorgio |
Convitto Longone |
Milano |
3D Design
G63 |
Convitto Longone |
Milano |
3D Design
Piramidal MoonCamp Group |
Convitto Longone |
Milano |
3D Design
IIS “Don L. Milani” – Gragnano (NA) |
Gragnano |
Arts & Crafts3D Design
I LUNAtici |
Istituto Comprensivo “Pietro Vannucci” – Secondaria di I grado |
Città della Pieve |
Arts & Crafts3D DesignOther
3D Design
3D Design
Martino C., Umberto D., Enrico M., Davide M., Matteo M., Giovanmattia M., Anna V. |
Scuola Santa Giovanna d’Arco |
Vittorio Veneto |
3D Design
AstroLorenzo |
I.C. Minervini Sisti |
Rieti |
3D Design
I Roverati |
Nuova Educazione |
Milano |
Arts & Crafts3D Design3D PrintingRoboticsOther
PraviSchool 2D3D |
IC Chions |
Chions |
Arts & Crafts3D Design
5A e 5B |
Istituto Comprensivo “Via Frignani” |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts3D Design3D PrintingScientific Experiments
Ziggy |
ITS DTZ Žiga Zois |
Trieste |
3D Design
Squadra spaziale |
i.c. Koinè |
3D Design
Metanastro |
i.c. Koinè |
3D Design
SoDiAz Fonseca (Sofia, Diego, Azzurra) |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Gaetano Paolillo |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
M^3 |
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
The LunaR SquaD |
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
Le Lunatiche |
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
i N.E.G. |
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
E.A.S. di 3H |
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
Scuola Secondaria di I grado “G. Floreanini” |
Domodossola |
3D Design
Regina Margherita |
Vigevano |
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Classe 2^A |
Scuola secondaria primo grado Sabin |
Monza |
Arts & Crafts
Classe 2^B |
Sabin |
Monza |
Arts & Crafts
Red Planet Team |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Classe 2^C |
Scuola secondaria primo grado Sabin |
Monza |
3D Design
3D Design
3D Design
3D Design
Anna Lima |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
3D Design
Moon Greenhouse Laura with Melania,Deonilla,Gaia |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Powerful Esboo-Amur |
M.Sironi |
Riccò del Golfo |
Arts & Crafts3D Printing
M.Sironi |
Riccò del Golfo |
3D Design
M.Sironi |
Riccò del Golfo |
Arts & Crafts3D Design
M.Sironi |
Riccò del Golfo |
Arts & Crafts3D Design
Stellar Lunar Lander |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Simple Lunar Lander – GiuliaBell |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
3D Design
Ale with 3B (Alix, Giulia, Mattia, Angelamaria) |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Moon Landing Gerry |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Lunar grey lander |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Lunar lander Paolo |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Lunar lander light blue |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
My special lunar lander – Lory |
Pontecagnano |
3D Design
Filìa |
I.C. “Luigi Perna – Dante Alighieri” |
Avellino |
3D Design3D Printing
Scienziati Martini |
i.c. Koinè |
3D Design
Red Planet Team 2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
3D Design
Blue Planet |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Blue Planet 2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Rocket Team |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Team Space |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
The Planners |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
The Planners 2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Space Rangers |
I.C. “Luigi Perna – Dante Alighieri” |
Avellino |
3D Design3D PrintingAugmented and Virtual Reality
Planners |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Rockers |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Rockers2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Team Blue Earth |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Team Blue Earth 2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
Team Blue Earth2 |
Ambrit International School |
Rome |
Arts & Crafts
[leaflet-map fitbounds !detect-retina show_scale zoomcontrol scrollwheel=1 spiderfyOnMaxZoom=1][leaflet-marker address=”Cremona,Italy”]Esplorando la Luna con il Rover
Gli alunni hanno progettato, costruito e programmato un rover lunare che esplora la Luna inviando ai ricercatori i dati sulla composizione del suolo e dell’aria. Il rover è stato realizzato con Lego Spike Essential ed è stato. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Olcenengo (VC),Italy”]SPAZIAMO
Attraverso il coding con Blue-bot, i bambini hanno simulato un viaggio verso la Luna, pianificando il percorso e ragionando sugli spostamenti. Hanno utilizzato un reticolato spaziale e creato un plastico riciclando carta,. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Lecco,Italy”]Badoni Moon Village
The “Badoni Moon Village” project is certainly not an ordinary Moon Camp Challenge entry!
We decided to divide a class of 22 pupils into 6 teams: each team chose a different topic to study and provided an in-depth analysis of. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MILAZZO(MESSINA),Italy”]Structure of a lunar camp
Photos of the project, also includes a brief description of the lunar camp
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Vittorio Veneto,Italy”]Moon Camp – Semisfere lunari
Moon Camp – Semisfere lunari
Plastico realizzato con polistirolo, plastica e altro materiale di riciclo.
Abbiamo creato una base lunare partendo dalle sfide che l’ambiente lunare comporta. In modo particolare, ci siamo. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Vittorio Veneto,Italy”]MOON CAMP – Modello Lego
La base proposta nel nostro progetto ha sede nel sottosuolo per consentire una maggiore protezione da radiazioni, temperature rigide e meteoriti. Gli astronauti si nutriranno grazie alle coltivazioni che sfruttano la regolite come. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Vittorio Veneto,Italy”]Moon Camp – Creazione in cartone
Abbiamo creato una base lunare usando del cartone riciclato. La base è sotterranea ed accessibile tramite un ascensore che conduce a 6 stanze nel sottosuolo lunare. Tutti gli ambienti sono dotati di un sistema di ventilazione che. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Milano,Italy”]Marte al quadrato
La base “Marte al quadrato” è pensata come alloggio per astronauti ricercatori. Sarà creato con materiali compositi fibra di carbonio e sarà rivestita di plastica. all’interno ci sarà una tanica d’acqua perché così per l’acqua ci. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Milano,Italy”]Progetto EDEN
Il progetto “Eden” consiste nella costruzione di una base che possa resistere alle temperature e alle condizioni presenti su Marte. La spedizione per inviare i materiali e tutto il necessario su Marte sarà soltanto una, verranno. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Milano,Italy”]Piramidal MoonCamp Project
È da quando l’umanità esiste che si pone una domanda, sempre la stessa, da millenni: Perchè?
E da sempre ha l’impressione che questa domanda sia in qualche modo legata a quella cupola stellata che si trova sopra la testa. Quel. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Gragnano,Italy”]Mission Selene
Il progetto consiste nella ideazione e realizzazione di una possibile base lunare europea. Il prodotto contiene un modello digitale e un modello fisico raccolti in un video illustrativo.
Il modello digitale è stato realizzato con. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Città della Pieve,Italy”]SLI (Stazione Lunare Internazionale)
Per costruire la SLI , Stazione Lunare Internazionale è stato fatto un progetto di modellizzazione 3D a cui è seguito un plastico fatto con materiali di recupero. E’ stata realizzata anche un’intervista agli scienziati che hanno. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MILAZZO(MESSINA),Italy”]Structure of a lunar camp
Structure of a lunar camp
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MILAZZO(MESSINA),Italy”]Structure of a lunar camp
Structure of a lunar camp
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Vittorio Veneto,Italy”]MOON CAMP – Modello 3D in Tinkercad
Sbalzi termici
La temperatura sulla luna oscilla tra giorno e notte dai -133°C (a volte anche -247°C) ai +121°C.
Soluzione: La costruzione della base dovrà avvenire in luoghi prestabiliti, come il polo sud della luna dove la. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rieti,Italy”]Base Lunare
In questo progetto ho messo 2 bobine, una per il trasporto di ossigeno e una per il trasporto di acqua, così gli abitanti della base potrebbero sopravvivere.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Milano,Italy”]Per Marte si parte!
Siamo stati la seconda missione umana inviata su Marte. Scherziamo! Siamo i bambini di una classe V della scuola Primaria, ma dopo aver partecipato a “Qui base Marte Schiapparelli” presso il Museo della Scienza e della Tecnologia. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Chions,Italy”]Moon Landing
Our project has been made with recycled materials to make closets, tables, beds and paintings. We used cardboard and a type of old wall paper for the floors, and clay to sculpt little objects. For the walls we used polystyrene. We. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]🇮🇹 Frignani Moon Base 1 – FMB1 🇪🇺
Our school hosts an annual science fair, the culmination of MUSIS: US CHILDREN, MASTERS OF SCIENCE, now in its 27th year. Its aim is to explore science in education, foster cross-disciplinary interaction, and spread scientific. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Trieste,Italy”]ZIGGY – lunarni habitat
Projekt, ki smo ga zasnovali na državnem tehniškem zavodu Žiga Zois v Trstu, predvideva lunarni habitat iz sestavljivih delov, ki omogočajo širjenje raziskovalnih in bivalnih ambientov na luninem površju. Osnovna modula sta dva:. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MONZA,Italy”]Super food on Mars
Il progetto è un campo base su Marte, perchè su Marte è stata ritrovata dell’acqua, quindi la vita diventa possibile.
Per poter essere autosufficienti e nutrirci vogliamo coltivare verdura, sfruttando le culture idroponiche, che. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MONZA,Italy”]Metanmobile
Il progetto è su Titano e l’obiettivo della missione è l’estrazione del metano.
Useremo un macchinario ideato da noi: metan mobile che ci servirà sia per viaggiare, sia per estrarre il metano, e inviarlo sulla Terra. Il metano è. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Moon Camp SoDiAZ Fonseca
This is a solar panel corner of our Moon Camp SoDiAz Fonseca
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Lunar Lander GAE
A lunar lander inspired by the original one of 1969
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]Asteroid
Asteroid è un satellite abitabile costituito da un corpo centrale (che contiene la serra, la palestra, la cucina…) e 6 cabine laterali (costruite per essere abitate). Sulla parte superiore sono posizionati dei pannelli solari che. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]La casa lunare del futuro
I materiali di questo appartamento sono: materiali che isolano e riflettono termicamente le radiazioni solari che colpiscono il suolo lunare. Abbiamo scelto il colore bianco in tutto l’edificio perché è un colore che al posto di. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]Astronauta lego
Il nostro progetto consiste in un modo semplice per sopravvivere sulla Luna, ovvero, una tuta spaziale. Lo abbiamo chiamato Astronauta Lego perchè quando abbiamo concluso il lavoro ci è sembrato un vero e proprio lego. E poi. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]Le Carotine della Luna
Il nostro progetto rappresenta una serra sulla luna collegata con un tubo ad una casetta del guardiano nella quale si trovano gli attrezzi per coltivare gli ortaggi; all’interno della serra possiamo trovare le tipiche carotine. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]Base spaziale ottagonale
La nostra base spaziale è progettata in modo da garantire la sopravvivenza sulla luna;
al centro presenta uno spazio in cui si può trovare il razzo e ai lati troviamo quattro spazi dove ci sono camere da letto, laboratori. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Domodossola,Italy”]RAZZO INTERSTELLAR 15
Il razzo ha una finestra sulla parte superiore, per guardare fuori, ha 4 motori nella parte inferiore e
è bianco con i suoi motori neri
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Vigevano,Italy”]L’AVVENTUROSA STORIA DEL PRIMO TOPO SULLA LUNA
A partire da un progetto di plesso legato allo spazio e all’esplorazione del cielo da vari punti di vista, la classe 2^A, dalla lettura dell’albo illustrato “Armstrong. L’avventurosa storia del primo topo sulla luna” ha realizzato. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Monza,Italy”]MOON… A NEW HOUSE
La nostra squadra di esploratori ha scelto la posizione della Luna per progettare una base spaziale in grado di superare importanti sfide per consentire agli astronauti di rimanerci per lungo tempo.
Abbiamo creato un plastico con. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Monza,Italy”]LIFE ON THE MOON
Il progetto della nostra base lunare prevede otto moduli di forma quadrata con diverse destinazioni d’uso. I moduli sono disposti in circolo intorno ad un cratere della luna.
Ciascun modulo ha le seguenti caratteristiche: pianta. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Living on Mars
This team decided to focus on living on Mars. After researching, they focused on creating an arts and crafts project of what people on Mars would need. The structure has two parts, one is the greenhouse where crops can be grown. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Monza,Italy”]MOON LANDSCAPE
Abbiamo scelto di collocare il nostro progetto nella regione del Polo Sud lunare. Dopo una prima fase di ricerca abbiamo progettato il paesaggio formato da crateri di colore grigio chiaro, molto grandi e profondi, di forma. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”TERMOLI(CB),Italy”]BSM-BASE OF THE SUN MIRROR
The space base has an octagonal floor plan with two domes – one upper and one lower – that provide breathtaking views of the surrounding space. Constructed primarily from lunar concrete, with steel joints and trims to ensure. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”TERMOLI(CB),Italy”]MARSOME
The space base, located on the planet Mars, is a structure designed for space exploration and study. It is designed to provide comfort and safety for the crew.
The structure is built around two main towers. The first is a. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”TERMOLI(CB),Italy”]THE RED CONES
The space station is located on Mars and consists of two towers topped by a dome: one 15.5 m high and the other 13 m high. The towers are connected by a cylindrical structure a lift and spiral staircase.
This station is designed. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Lunar Soil with astronauts
A lunar soil with astronauts and their lunar landers. The astronauts are installing solar panels on the lunar soil to produce electricity.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”TERMOLI(CB),Italy”]ZIGGY-EUROPEAN COLONISATION PROJECT OF MARS
Outer space has always been a fascinating place and a source of great curiosity for mankind. The first missions to explore space, from the Moon to Mars, began in the 1950s. Mankind began to look for ways to live in space,. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Moon Greenhouse – Laura with Melania,Deonilla,Gaia
Our future Moon Greenhouse proposal.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Riccò del Golfo,Italy”]MOON CAMP
This is our spaceship!we decide to bring with us: soil (because the moon soil is not fetile), water, oxigen, seeds and animals.
This is our mooncamp with our moon house (with bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen..) and our green house. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Riccò del Golfo,Italy”]THE BOWL
Our green house is built on a lunar crater.
Is it powered by solar panels.
The water is generated by a machine that able to mix hydrogen and oxygen.
Obviously, there is also a house for the astronauts close to the greenhouse. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Riccò del Golfo,Italy”]THIS IS OUR SPACESHIP !
We decide to bring witht us: chickens, roosters, calcium chloride, building materials and beets. And this is our moon camp with our moon house, and our green house were we want to grow plants and breed. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Riccò del Golfo,Italy”]DESIGN MOON
This is our project!!!
It has got a greenhouse, with plants for feeding us and the animals (chickens), the house (with a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen), some solar panels (for producing solar energy), a machine (in the. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Stellar Lunar Lander
Lunar Lander on the Moon
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Simple Lunar Lander
This is my Simple Lunar Lander
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”TERMOLI(CB),Italy”]MOON LIFE STATION
The space base is a single storey building on the Moon. The base is designed for two people and consists of 11 rooms: a kitchen/dining area, a bathroom, a lounge/recreation area, a power generation area, a drone repair area, a. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Moon Rover Fonseca 2024
This is our Moon Rover Fonseca by Ale& 3B
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Moon Landing Gerry 3F
This is my Moon Landing
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Lunar grey lander
My lunar lander in a grey version
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Lunar lander Paolo
My lunar lander on Tinkercad
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]Lunar Lander Light blue
My lunar lander on Tinkercad
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Pontecagnano,Italy”]My special lunar lander – Lory
This is my work on Tinkercad
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Avellino,Italy”]Moon base
In this project we present a lunar base made of 5 semi-spheres that connect to each other and two other objects with which we used a bit of creativity
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”MONZA,Italy”]Andiamo su Marte
Il progetto è volte all’estrazione dei minerali su Marte, costruendo un macchinario che preleva le rocce, le inserisce in un imbuto e in setaccio, per separare i materiali e tenere quelli utili alle costruzioni.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Living on Mars
This Tinkercad project, shows one module of where astronauts could live on Mars. The open part is how it looks inside. The materials to build it would not be brought from Earth but using materials directly found on Mars.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Information Booth
This is the presentation of an information booth that is thought for astronauts preparing for their mission to Mars. The interactive screen provides important information about the planet, the condition on the planet ecc…
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Green House
This is a greenhouse to grow crops on Mars. The green house will be underground and only the side vent, that exchanges the air in the greenhouse, taking the oxygen generated by the plants and bringing it to the living quarters.. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Rocket
This is the rocket that will take the students on the mission to the Moon.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Living on the moon
These are the astronauts headquarters, each module represents a different area in which they can live. Each module will be connected
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Sun powered oven
This is the design of an oven to cook food on the moon only using the power from the sun. The reflective material captures the sun light and transforms it into heat.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Green House
Understanding the importance of growing crops directly on the moon, to sustain human life, the students have designed a model of a greenhouse.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Avellino,Italy”]Space-025
We created a space base with an operations center powered by two large electromagnetic batteries, a launching rocket, a little robot called Path-Finder with a camera and Italian flag, four tents for scientists and a spaceship. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Air and water filter
This is a vital part of the space station that another group has created (the rockers team). The system takes sweat and urine and transforms it into fresh air and fresh water for the space station that will orbit Venus. The system. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Space station
This is a space station that will orbit Venus, since the research that the students have done have lead them to understand that there is little chance to land on Venus. The space station will give the chance to study the planet. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Space station
This is a space station that will orbit Venus, since the research that the students have done have lead them to understand that there is little chance to land on Venus. The space station will give the chance to study the planet. . .
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Food dispenser
This is a food dispenser that will be in the Space Station.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Crop Box
This is a special box to plant and grow crops on the Venus space station. Each box creates the perfect conditions for fast crop growing.
[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Rome,Italy”]Crop Box
This is a special box to plant and grow crops on the Venus space station. Each box creates the perfect conditions for fast crop growing.
[/leaflet-marker][zoomhomemap !fit] [cluster radius=”10″ zoom=”12″ spiderfy=1]
Brief description: In this resource, pupils will debate some organisational and social characteristics of a...
Brief description: Even daily communication changes when living on the Moon. Without air to carry...
Brief description: In this set of activities, students will learn about the different components of...
Brief description: When you think of building, you probably think of bricks – but Moon...
Brief description: Holding our breath isn’t an option on the Moon, we need sources of...
Brief description: In this set of six activities, students will investigate which factors affect plant...
Brief description: One Earthling’s trash is another astronaut’s treasure. We can turn waste products into...
Brief description Join Paxi as he explores the Moon. In this video, targeted at children...
Brief description: An entirely new landscape awaits when you land on the Moon. Will you...
Brief description: A manned spacecraft needs a soft landing, but it’s all in the timing....
Brief description: Since the Moon is as dry as Earth’s driest desert, we’ll have to...
Brief description: In this activity, pupils will build a bionic hand made out of cardboard,...
Brief description: In this set of experimental activities, students will investigate the survival abilities of...
Brief description: The first Moon structure has a lot of roles to fill: a home...
Brief description: Just one year on the moon maxes out the amount of solar radiation...
Brief description: In this activity, students will learn how their arm works and build a...
Brief description: In this set of activities, students will build an understanding of germination and...
Brief description: Flying to the moon is tricky business, especially since you can’t just head...
Brief description: A lunar day lasts for 14 Earth days, but night can be just...
Brief description: How best to travel on the moon with rocks, boulders and craters in...
Brief description: In this set of three activities, students will learn about electrochemistry. In the...
Brief description: There are only so many groceries you can bring to the Moon, so...
Brief description: In this set of activities, students will plan, design and build a landing...
Brief description: Getting stuff done on the Moon requires more effort than what the first...
Astronaut Logbook: A week in the life of an astronaut with Samantha Cristoforetti Your Mission:...
Brief description: Learn more about the local lunar sights! Top tips for an unforgettable Moon...
Brief description: How exactly does a rocket engine work? Learn about different factors that affect...
Brief description: Join Paxi as he explores the Moon. In this video, targeted at children...
Brief description: Pupils can use the ESA Spacecraft Materials Kit to experimentally investigate a variety of...
Brief description: In this activity, students will consider whether life found in extreme environments on...
Brief description: The aim of the Moon mission is to research how to live on...
Brief description: About 180 craters appear on the Moon every year, not to mention being...
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