


Are you a team from Romania and want to participate in the Moon Camp challenge?


Challenge Launch
21 September 2023
Registration opens on the 21/09/2023
Learn more about the Moon by completing the Moon Camp challenge activities
Develop your Moon Camp project
Submit your project on the platform

Teacher / educator preparation:
Create a plan of action for your team
Participate in the teacher training modules (dates to be announced)
Deadline for submissions
25 April 2024
Website closes for submissions on the 25/04/2024
Make sure you submit your projects before the deadline!
May 2024
Certificates of participation will be sent to the students and mentors
All valid projects will be uploaded to the Moon Camp gallery
Final online event
May 2024

Virtual event with an ESA astronaut and space experts, open to all the participants that submitted a valid project

Teams from Romania

Team name School City Category

Cercetasii isteti

Scoala Gimnaziala Nr. 179


Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts

ThinkCreative kids 1.0

ThinkCreative Hub Educational


Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts


Secondary School ”Preda Buzescu ”Vlădaia


Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts


Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Cantacuzino


3D Design3D Design


Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Cantacuzino


3D Design3D Design


Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Cantacuzino


3D Design3D Design

Pink Pixels

Colegiul National “Mihai Eminescu” Suceava


Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts3D Design3D DesignScientific ExperimentsScientific Experiments

Artful Astronauts

Bridgeway Academy


3D Design3D Design

David’ s Team

Theoretical High School Filipestii de Padure

Filipestii de Pădure

Arts & CraftsArts & Crafts

Robotics Team @ThinkCreative

ThinkCreative Hub Educatinal




Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Cantacuzino


3D Design3D Design


Liceul Tehnologic Constantin Cantacuzino


3D Design3D Design

[leaflet-map fitbounds !detect-retina show_scale zoomcontrol scrollwheel=1 spiderfyOnMaxZoom=1][leaflet-marker address=”Bucharest,Romania”]Moon Habitat
Our project is participating at Arts and Crafts section. Pupils created a Moon habitat using 3D geometrical shapes (cuboids and pyramids) created by themselves. They took into consideration that the Moon has a very thin. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Bucharest,Romania”]Moon Camp
Our project was based on a previous research: kids used the ESA materials  in order to find out how are the conditions on Moon. They tried to fulfill people’s needs considering the environment – lack of atmosphere, the regolith,. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”VLĂDAIA,Romania”]Life on the Moon
Our Lunar base has a house for astronauts, a control point with satellites and solar panels.
It has a greenhouse for growing plants, a garage for the Rover and a rocket for space missions.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Baicoi,Romania”]Moon base
This is a moon base, consisting of living spaces, research laboratories and water tanks. The astronauts also have a rocket and the most important function of this base is to protect its inhabitants.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Baicoi,Romania”]Moon Explorers
In this base is located a laboratory where  the astronauts can do their research. Water is necessary to sustain life, but it also be used as part of the energy system in the lunar base.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Baicoi,Romania”]Astronaut Base
Astronauts have established a lunar base where they can live for longer periods. They have a rocket, solar panels and fuel cells to produce water and power.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Suceava,Romania”]Helioflora
To see how plants and plankton will handle the tough environment on the moon, we’re building a base for sixteen people to study them for three months. This iterative process aims to understand the system’s functionality upon. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Deva,Romania”]Lunar Base
Artful Astronauts is a resourceful team that makes use of creative and innovative ideas in the design of the lunar base.
The purpose of our Moon camp is to act as a sustainable settlement intended for interdisciplinary scientific. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Filipestii de Pădure,Romania”]Science Camp on the Moon
I made this model because I like to learn about alien space. It’s a camp on the moon where scientists can live and do all kinds of experiments. I used an old ball, darts, LEGO pieces and some cookie wrappers.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Bucharest,Romania”]Mission: The Moon!!!
Robotics Team@ThinkCreative participate in this challenge with a lot of excitement and thrill. Kids built at the S.T.E.M. class three robots that received the task to assist humans in the challenge of building a habitat on the. . .

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Baicoi,Romania”]Moon Base
Our team designed a a moon base, a habitat on the lunar surface, from where astronauts go and explore other worlds in our Solar System.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”Baicoi,Romania”]Moon Base
In this base is located a laboratory where  the astronauts can do their research. Lunar explorers need access to water, food, energy and protection from radiation. Water is necessary to sustain life and photovoltaic panels convert. . .

[/leaflet-marker][zoomhomemap !fit] [cluster radius=”10″ zoom=”12″ spiderfy=1]

Moon Habitat
Cercetasii isteti
Moon Camp
ThinkCreative kids 1.0
Life on the Moon

More information from your National Organiser

Resources in your language

  • All
  • Moon Animations (21)
  • Classroom Resources (12)
  • Primary (10)
  • Secondary (2)