Moon Camp Pioneers Report Template

Please complete your submission in your language of choice, for judging purposes your project will be automatically translated to English.

You have just landed on the Moon. It is a very harsh environment. But you discover that there are some natural resources that you can use on different locations on the lunar surface, such as water ice, regolith (lunar soil) and sunlight. You now have to make some decisions about your Moon Camp.

Section 1 – Your Moon Camp

Describe your Moon Camp.

  1. Write a short summary of the project. (Max 200 words).
  2. Why do you want to build a Moon Camp? Explain the main purpose of your Moon Camp (for example scientific, commercial and/or touristic purposes). (Max 150 words).

Section 2 – Building your Moon Camp

The environment on the Moon is very harsh and dangerous for the astronauts. A Moon base needs to provide protection against radiation, meteorites, extreme temperatures, and the vacuum of space.

  1. Where do you want to build your Moon Camp? Explain your choice. (Max 150 words).
  2. How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Consider how you can utilise the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth. Describe the techniques, materials and your design choices. (Max 250 words).
  3. How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment? (Max 300 words).

Section 3 – Living on the Moon

On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth.

  1. How will your Moon Camp provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power? (Max 300 words).
  2. How will your Moon Camp deal with the waste produced by the astronauts on the Moon? (Max 150 words).
  3. How will your Moon Camp maintain communications with Earth and other Moon bases? (Max 150 words).

Section 4 – Science and Technology on the Moon

  1. What scientific topic(s) would be the focus of the research in your Moon Camp? Explain which experiments you plan to do on the Moon (for example in the topics of geology, low gravity environment, biology, technology, robotics, astronomy etc.). (Max 300 words).

Section 5 – Life as an astronaut

  1. What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission? (Max 300 words).
  2. What space vehicles will your future Moon mission need? Describe the vehicles found in your Moon camp and consider how you will travel to and from Earth, and explore new destinations on the Moon’s surface. (Max 150 words).

You can learn more about astronaut training in this video:

Section 6 – Upload your files

Because of data protection regulations the pictures should present only the project and not the team members.

  1. Upload at least one rendering or screen capture of the project as a .JPG or .PNG file.
  2. Upload your 3D design model project as one .obj, .f3d or .f3z file (maximum file size is 150Mb).

Section 7 – Other Content (optional)

You can use this section to share any other content relating to your project. This is an optional section of the report.

Because of data protection regulations the pictures should present only the project and not the team members.

  1. External URL to the team’s project (e.g. website or PDF file). Share a link if you created a website for your project or if you have written any article/document related with your project.
  2. Youtube Video Link. Share a link if you created a video or a multimedia presentation describing your project (e.g a virtual tour of your project).
pioneers round image

Get Inspiration!

Below you’ll find a selection of resources to help you start your journey on the Moon Camp Pioneers Challenge. For the full list of resources consult the Resources section.

Moon Camp Pioneers Resources

Brief description: In this resource, pupils will spend a day recording approximately how much water …

Brief description: In this activity, pupils will build a bionic hand made out of cardboard, …

Brief description: In this activity, students will learn how their arm works and build a …

Brief description: In this activity, students will compare the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy …

Brief description: In this set of activities, pupils will analyse the importance of having shelter …

Brief description: This activity will introduce students to logical thinking by planning, testing and executing …

Brief description: In this resource, pupils will debate some organisational and social characteristics of a …

Brief description: In this set of activities, students will learn about the different components of …

Brief description: In this set of six activities, students will investigate which factors affect plant …

Brief description: In this set of activities, students will build an understanding of germination and …

Brief description: In this activity, students will consider whether life found in extreme environments on …

Brief description: In this set of experimental activities, students will investigate the survival abilities of …

Brief description: In this set of activities, students will learn about two concepts that influence …

Brief description: In this set of 3 activities, students will design and build their own …

Brief description: In this set of activities, students will plan, design and build a landing …

Brief description: In this set of three activities, students will learn about electrochemistry. In the …

Brief description: In this resource, students will learn about changes of state of matter using …

ESA’s Teach with the Moon webpage. A collection of lunar resources for teachers and educators.

Brief description: In this set of four group activities pupils build three different rockets. The …

Brief description: To many ancient civilisations, the tale of a shooting star was an omen …

Brief description:  Pupils can use the ESA Spacecraft Materials Kit to experimentally investigate a variety of …


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