
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2020-2021

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: TiernoGalvánArmillaAlejandroB

Ceip Profesor Tierno Galván Armilla  Granada    Spain 10

External link for 3d

Project description

My moon base has: 

-Solar panels that power the entire lunar camp; spacecraft, industry, astronaut housing, agriculture,  antennas…etc. 

-A thermoelectric generator, coated with lunar mylar (minimizes thermal radiation) that takes  advantage of temperature differences in the cold night sky to generate renewable electricity, occurs  when ground surfaces radiate heat into the atmosphere. The device is powering a small LED light. 

-An industry with three bases; one for the construction of lunar cement from which all lunar bases are  made that are resistant to the harsh temperatures, intense radiation and meteorite impact.  -The vacuum spacecraft collects lunar dust (regolith, water ice) and in the industry it is mixed with  recycled human urine to produce lunar cement. 

Another base of the industry manufactures walls for the construction of housing, spacecraft, parts for  hydroponic agriculture, recycling plants…etc with 3D printers, and as a material lunar cement,  The last base is used to produce oxygen by electrolysis (lunar dust is put in a metal basket with  molten calcium chloride salt, current is applied to the basket and it is possible to extract oxygen).  Astronauts would live longer without having to send oxygen tanks from Earth. The silica and oxygen  extracted will be used as a mining resource to make solar panels and semiconductors to make  electrical devices. Water will also be recycled at this base. 

-Four Drilling Space Vehicles to search for and extract water. 

-Sound antennas and a spacecraft to analyze signs of extraterrestrial life and geographic maps of  the Moon for astronauts to better orient themselves in their expeditions. 

-A satellite for communication with space research agencies. 

-Astronaut housing bases with pressurized rooms to withstand gravity. 

 Inside the astronauts’ living quarters are installed hydroponic agricultural dwellings.  


Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the Lunar Poles

Why did you choose this location?

My Moon Camp would be built at one of the poles so that the plates receive constant light and thus  generate more energy.

How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Which materials would you use?

To build the camp I would use as raw material the regolith of lunar dust, ice water and urine.  In the recycling bases already built I would use molten chloride salt to produce oxygen, mixed with  silica extracted from the Moon to build solar panels and semiconductors to make electrical devices. Another material would be the energy produced by solar panels. 

Explain how your Moon Camp will provide the astronauts with:

Water for consumption is extracted by recycling existing water, from tooth brushing, showering, even from astronauts’ sweat.

The food for the astronauts, the most abundant would be the vegetables that would be planted with the hydroponic agriculture system.
with the hydroponic agriculture system because it is less toxic, I would not plant on the ground because there is a large amount of chromium and metals, plus there is no nitrogen so necessary for the growth of these.

o build the camp I would use as raw material the regolith of lunar dust, ice water and urine. In the recycling bases already built I would use molten chloride salt to produce oxygen, mixed with silica extracted from the Moon to build solar panels and semiconductors to make electrical devices. Another material would be the energy produced by solar panels.

Oxygen and energy are produced in the camp.he last base is used to produce oxygen by electrolysis (lunar dust is put in a metal basket with molten calcium chloride salt, current is applied to the basket and it is possible to extract oxygen). Astronauts would live longer without having to send oxygen tanks from Earth. The silica and oxygen extracted will be used as a mining resource to make solar panels and semiconductors to make electrical devices.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

A day at the camp would be one day closer to the future of colonization on the Moon. In the sound ship we could find out sounds if extraterrestrial life exists, in the industry bases we could build materials in the gigantic 3D printer like an astronaut-shaped building, in the spacecraft we could search for water or collect lunar dust, in the industry bases we could investigate the components of lunar dust, how to produce more oxygen, control the plates so that we do not lack energy, plant tomatoes or enjoy the free time in the super-equipped housing or venture on an expedition and discover more about the lunar terrain.

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