
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Bright Moon Explorers

FEPPA SAN CALIXTO  La Paz    Bolivia 12, 13   5 / 5

External link for 3d

Project description

Our project deals with a space station established on the Moon, where four astronauts can live and can receive visitors. It has everything that is necessary for the human being: food, water, oxygen and entertainment. Well, very apart from each of the places that a house has, such as: kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms; our project has a gym and game room for astronauts to maintain good physical condition.

Our main idea is to go with certain things built inside a space vehicle. We will build other larger rooms with lunar dust with 3D printers. If all goes well we will bring more astronauts, to then populate the entire Moon.

Our space station contains the following places:

  • Hygiene and cleaning: Bathroom, laundry and disinfection chamber.
  • Health and nutrition: Kitchen, oxygen room, infirmary and gym.
  • Warehouses: food warehouse and cleaning material warehouse.
  • Technology: Control room, electrical room and computer room.
  • For entertainment: games room and garden.
  • Other: Dormitories, laboratory, garage with rovers, conference room, which is also a living room.

When we need water we will go to the Lunar Poles by train and we will collect the water in some tanks, we will transfer them to the train to take it to our station.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

Why did you choose this location?

We chose a location near the lunar poles in the Moon’s upper layer of rocky soil, known as the “regolith.”
Because the Moon’s atmosphere does not have enough oxygen to support human life, but this layer contains enough oxygen for astronauts to survive.

How do you plan to build your Mooncamp? Which materials will you use?

It has been found that the surface of the Moon is covered by a coarse gray dust. We’ll pick up that dust. With the help of a 3D printer we will convert that dust into construction material. This will allow us to build rooms, laboratories, warehouses and others.


The astronauts will obtain the water through the lunar poles. A group of astronauts will arrive there via train cars, collect the water in tanks and return to their base in the cars.

The food will be obtained through the crops that will be planted in the lunar base and other types of food such as meat, dairy products, chocolates, etc. they will be obtained from a ship that will reach the moon every so often. But the first days when the crops are not yet ready, we will eat dried fruits, canned food since they can be kept for several days.

The energy will be obtained thanks to the solar panels that will be on the outside of the base Internet: Thanks to some research we carried out, we discovered that a team of scientists from MIT manages to have a broadband Internet connection on the Moon, through a laser system.

According to our research, the Moon’s atmosphere does not have enough oxygen to support human life. But, its upper layer of rocky soil, known as “regolith” if it has enough oxygen to survive. The base is in that layer so we would already have oxygen to be able to live.

The base consists of rooms on the surface and rooms underground, in case of increased radiation or meteor shower, the astronauts move underground to protect themselves, and the structures will be solid and strong.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

First, the astronauts wake up, make their bed, wash themselves and go to breakfast with the food they have in store, then each one performs their assigned tasks:

Astronaut 1:

She checks, waters and notes how the crops are doing.

She goes to investigate and explore outside the station.

She will drive the space vehicles.

Astronaut 2:

Check how much water is stored in the processor and introduce more into it.

She washes the clothes in the laundry and then dries them.

She collects the utensils and things for the cleaning of the astronauts and the ship, such as toilet paper, napkins, soap, glass cleaner, etc.

Astronaut 3:

She will check that everything is going well, such as electricity, disinfection and oxygen from the control room.

Communicate everything to superiors in the conference room.

Collect the food that is brought on a ship to the station.

Astronaut 4:

Do tests in the laboratory.

Clean bathroom and kitchen.

Send the vehicles to record and take pictures of what happens.

When they finish their tasks, they go to the disinfection room, change their clothes. They do extra activities such as exercise, play or rest, eat a snack and when night falls they go to sleep.

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