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Moon Camp Explorers 2022 – 2023 Project Gallery


In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangers of space and describe the living and working facilities in their Moon Camp.


IES Las Salinas  Fuengirola-Málaga    Spain 14   0 / 1 Español

1.1 – Project Description


This lunar camp is located near the poles. We have made it so that two or more astronauts can live there without problems. Our camp is based on:
Energy: It is obtained through solar panels Water: it is obtained through a structure located in one of the poles near the camp Security: The camp is surrounded by satellites that defend the base Well-being: Our camp has gym rooms and game rooms Our camp also has a laboratory to investigate different things from the moon and a hospital in case any inhabitant gets sick or has a serious injury There are transport rovers and excavators, it has a rocket, of course, to go and return to Earth, there is also a zone for control to control the rocket, and a greenhouse to grow the food that the astronauts eat.
There is a floor below where there is a game room, bedrooms and bathrooms.


Original Text:

Este campamento lunar está situado cerca de los polos. Lo hemos hecho para que dos o más astronautas puedan vivir allí sin problemas. Nuestro campamento está basado en:
Energía: Se consigue mediante paneles solares Agua: se consigue mediante una estructura situada en uno de los polos cercanos al campamento Seguridad: El campamento está rodeado de satélites que defienden la base Bienestar: Nuestro campamento tiene habitaciones gimnasio y salas de juego Nuestro campamento también tiene un laboratorio para investigar diferentes cosas de la luna y un hospital por si algún habitante se enferma o tiene alguna herida grave Hay rovers de transporte y excavadoras, tiene un cohete, por supuesto, para ir y volver a la Tierra, también hay una zona de control para controlar el cohete, y un invernadero para cultivar la comida que consumen los astronautas.
Hay un piso de abajo en el que hay una sala de juego, habitaciones y baños.

1.2 – Why do your astronaut want to go to the Moon and build a Moon Camp?


The main objective of the astronauts and the camp is to investigate and try to discover a new chemical element on the moon, for this there would be a camp so that the astronauts can live in conditions, the astronauts came by rocket and will go back with it, the Research is done in the laboratory located in the camp.
The investigations are carried out by a group of expert researchers with degrees in physics and chemistry.


Original Text:

El principal objetivo de los astronautas y del campamento es investigar e intentar descubrir un nuevo elemento químico de la luna, para ello habría un campamento para que los astronautas puedan vivir en condiciones, los astronautas vinieron en cohete y irán de vuelta con el mismo, las investigaciones se realizan en el laboratorio situado en el campamento.
Las investigaciones las realizan un grupo de investigadores expertos licenciados en fisica y quimica.

2.1.a – Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

2.2.b – Why did you choose this location?


Because it’s a good place to live, it’s a little hilly place and it’s close to the poles so we could easily get water, the poles are about 30km away
of the camp for which a group of astronauts would go to the poles for water and return.


Original Text:

Porque es un buen sitio para vivir, es un sitio poco accidentado y está cerca de los polos por lo cual podríamos conseguir agua fácilmente, los polos están a unos 30km
del campamento por lo cual un grupo de astronautas irían a los polos a por agua y volverían.

2.2 How do you plan to build your Moon Camp? Describe how you can use the Moon’s natural resources, and which materials you would need to bring from Earth.


We will bring tempered glass from Earth to build the domes and all the glass from the camp, a group of builders came in the rocket, iron and steel would also be brought to build things that are needed to resist more and that cannot be built with glass, we could take water from the Moon to turn it into ice, and stone to build.


Original Text:

De la Tierra traeremos vidrio templado para construir las cúpulas y todos los vidrios del campamento, en el cohete vinieron un grupo de constructores, también se traería hierro y acero para construir cosas que hagan falta que resistan más y que no puedan ser construidas de vidrio, de la Luna podríamos sacar el agua para convertirla en hielo, y piedra para construir.

3.1 – How does your Moon Camp protect and provide shelter to your astronauts against the Moon’s harsh environment.


The lunar base is surrounded by satellites that protect everything. For radiation and the little oxygen that there is, each place is connected by tempered glass tubes and domes that protect all the places where you can go with the tubes.


Original Text:

La base lunar está rodeada de unos satélites que protegen todo. Para la radiación y el poco oxígeno que hay cada lugar esta conectado por unos tubos de vidrio templado y unas cúpulas que protege todos los sitios donde te puedas ir con los tubos.

3.2 – On the Moon, resources are very scarce, but during long Moon missions, astronauts cannot rely on resupply missions from the Earth. Explain how your Moon Camp will provide astronauts with sustainable access to basic needs like water, food, air and power.


The fundamental resources will be obtained from different sites:
Water: Water is obtained based on a mechanism that is located at the poles near the camp, the water melts, is stored and collected
Food: In the pantry of the rocket, a large pantry had been brought so that everyone could eat during the entire time they were there.

Air: The astronauts will wear an air helmet and the structures will be surrounded by capsules that will provide air

Energy: Energy is obtained through solar panels


Original Text:

Los recursos fundamentales los conseguiremos desde diferentes sitios:
Agua: El agua se consigue a base de un mecanismo que hay situado en los polos cerca del campamento, el agua se derrite, se almacena y se recoge
Comida: En la despensa del cohete se había traído una despensa grande para poder comer todos durante todo el tiempo que estaran alli

Aire: Los astronautas llevarán casco de aire y las estructuras estarian rodeadas por cápsulas que proporcionarán el aire

Energía: La energía se consigue mediante paneles solares

4.1 – What would you include in your astronaut training programme, to help prepare the astronauts for a Moon mission?


Astronauts would be taught the following in order to survive and drive on the Moon:
In the control panel there are cameras that we use for security and some computers that manage the spaceship


Original Text:

A los astronautas se les enseñaria lo siguiente para poder sobrevivir y manejar en la Luna:
en el panel control hay camaras que lo utilizamos de seguridad y unos ordenadores que manejan la nave espacial

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