


Are you a team from Norway and want to participate in the Moon Camp challenge?


Challenge Launch
21 September 2023

Registration opens on the 21/09/2023

Learn more about the Moon by completing the Moon Camp challenge activities

Develop your Moon Camp project

Submit your project on the platform

Teacher / educator preparation:

Create a plan of action for your team

Participate in the teacher training modules 

26 September 2023
Webinar for teachers introducing the Moon Camp 2023-2024 school projects and changes
Language: Norwegian
Registrations and more information through the national organiser page.
Deadline for submissions
25 April 2024
Website closes for submissions on the 25/04/2024
Make sure you submit your projects before the deadline!
May 2024
Certificates of participation will be sent to the students and mentors
All valid projects will be uploaded to the Moon Camp gallery
Final online event
May 2024

Virtual event with an ESA astronaut and space experts, open to all the participants that submitted a valid project

National Organiser

National Partners

Teams from Norway

Team name School City Category

Sverresborg 1

Sverresborg skole

7020 Trondheim

3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingRoboticsRobotics

Sverresborg 2

Sverresborg skole

7020 Trondheim

3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingOtherOther

Sverresborg 3

Sverresborg skole

7020 Trondheim

3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingRoboticsRoboticsOtherOther

Sverresborg 4

Sverresborg skole

7020 Trondheim

3D Design3D Design3D Printing3D PrintingRoboticsRoboticsOtherOther

[leaflet-map fitbounds !detect-retina show_scale zoomcontrol scrollwheel=1 spiderfyOnMaxZoom=1][leaflet-marker address=”7020 Trondheim,Norway”]Prosjekt Freia
Laget har jobbet med prosjektet i valgfag Teknologi i praksis

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”7020 Trondheim,Norway”]Odin månebase
Prosjektet har blitt til som en del av faget Teknologi i praksis på 8 trinn.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”7020 Trondheim,Norway”]Månebasen Jarlsberg
Dette prosjektet ble til som en del av faget Teknologi i praksis.

[/leaflet-marker][leaflet-marker address=”7020 Trondheim,Norway”]Moon base Sverresborg Norge
Elevene har jobbet med prosjektet som en del av valgfag Teknologi i praksis

[/leaflet-marker][zoomhomemap !fit] [cluster radius=”10″ zoom=”12″ spiderfy=1]

Prosjekt Freia
Sverresborg 1
Odin månebase
Sverresborg 2
Månebasen Jarlsberg
Sverresborg 3

Resources in your language

  • All
  • Moon Animations (20)
  • Classroom Resources (5)
  • Primary (5)