
Moon Camp Explorers Gallery 2021-2022

In Moon Camp Explorers each team’s mission is to 3D design a complete Moon Camp using Tinkercad. They also have to explain how they will use local resources, protect astronauts from the dangerous of space and describe the living and working facilities.

Team: Muntori Explorers

Muntori Bilingual School  Castalla    Spain 13   6 / 2

External link for 3d

Project description

– The garden

The garden is used for research. The main and most important research will be to see how plants behave under zero gravity, in case we need space farms in the future. It is also a source of oxygen for the inhabitants of the moon camp, as well as a source of food.

  – Gym 

The space gym is used so that astronauts can avoid the muscle wasting that comes with space. If astronauts do not exercise, their bodies start to become flabby because of the low gravity. Muscle loss means a decrease in size and strength, and can reduce an astronaut’s ability to work.

– Electrolysis:  

Basically consists of a machine that uses electricity to obtain oxygen by splitting water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The oxygen is used to supply the space station while the hydrogen is used to produce energy. 

– Distillation :

Distillation is a chemical process that consists of separating miscible substances based on differences in boiling points. This process will yield water from urine and sweat. Sweat is collected in the gymnasium because during sport it is incorporated into the ambient humidity

Rover, the functions are the followings:

Our rover is used to take pictures of the lunar soil, which leads to an investigation of the terrain.

This rover also has a lunar terrain mapping system, which has a system that emits 30,000 rays per second.  When the images are sent to the ground, a programme can see through the lunar soil.

Where do you want to build your Moon Camp?

Close to the lunar poles

Why did you choose this location?

This is because that way it is conveniently close to the Artemis project that consists of putting a group of astronauts on the moon for 7 days. Also water is more available close to the Poles. Water is one of the most necessary resources if we want to live someday outside Earth, so it´s necessary to locate astronauts near water so they can carry out extensive investigations about how to get water.

How do you plan to build your Mooncamp? Which materials will you use?

It will be separated into hallways and rooms which are almost spherical. It will be made of titanium, kevlar and high grade steel on the outside. On the inside it will be made out of normal steel to make the walls and polyethylene for windows. And for the geodesic dome it will have 5 sheets of polycarbonate and 3 sheets of polyethylene and 2 thin sheets of aluminium foil to keep the heat out and make it easier to keep a steady temperature. We are aware that using luna soil (regolith) would be advantageous, etc but further research is needed.




We will recycle water from the pee. Pee consists in 95% of water, 2% of mineral salts and 3% urea. After going to the toilet, the pee is collected. After that, it´s boiled so water is separated from minerals and leftovers in your pee; then the water will pass through filtration to get rid of the compounds and after that it will be chlorified. Water is also obtained from sweat but it requires less treatment than pee.

Our food will be obtained by heating up some packs of food like that on the ISS. You put the bag in some boiling water for it to cook and that is finished. The goal is to improve our garden so that in the future we will be self-sufficient in food.

To power the station we will use a mix of solar energy for the day and with the leftover hydrogen (from electrolysis) we will produce energy via a hydrogen generator, so we have recycled energy in the day and also at night for a backup source. We will implement a treadmill with a generator like those used in wind farms.

The air that we have in the moon station will be produced using a chemical reaction called electrolysis which consists in passing an electrical current through water that will separate the molecule H2O into hydrogen and oxygen. There will be double of hydrogen than oxygen because there are 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen in water.

We will place a geodesic dome over it and put five sheets of polycarbonate over it to protect the insides and polyethylene under that; at the top of all 2 thin sheets of aluminium foil (to keep the heat out) so it´s completely secured from small asteroids and more. The station hallways will have eleven layers: three of titanium, four of kevlar and four of high-grade steel because the materials are puncture proof and light weight.

Describe a day on the Moon for one of your Moon Camp astronauts

You wake up and take off the strap around your waist (used so you don’t move around while you sleep). You prick your finger to see your level of sugar, so your health can be assessed; then you go to the gym and work out so your muscles don’t deteriorate from the lack of gravity. You socialise, speak to others and work in your sector: plants, electrolysis and distilling; you run some tests every day to check if everything is working properly. Then you dedicate your day mostly for researching in different fields:

  • The lunar soil (regolith) composition and how to get oxygen and carbon dioxide from there.
  • How to use this lunar soil to build more houses on the Moon. The Moon is the more accessible place to live in near the Earth, so it´s interesting thinking in how life would be possible there.
  • Astronomical observations
  • Collecting lunar material
  • Carry out some physics to test physical phenomena in low gravity
  • How to grow plants in low gravity
  • How to get water from the ice


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